Working with contacts

People and organizations are easily searchable in the Staff site from Community > Find contacts. The Find contacts page offers prebuilt searches on the People and Organization tabs. Additional contact queries are located in the Select a query drop-downs.

The queries on this page are located in the Document System at $/ContactManagement/DefaultSystem/Queries/Directory. You can change these queries and add additional ones as fits your organization. In order for the query to show up in the Select a query drop-down, place the query in the PeopleSearch or OrganizationSearch folder.


Do not modify a system query. Make a copy of the query and apply the changes to the copy. Any system query that is modified will be overwritten on an upgrade.

Because these searches use IQA, you can control the formatting of the printed output and let your staff export that contact data to Word, Excel, and data files.

You can add a new contact, enter contact details, and view a limited set of contact data for others. The process for changing contact records always begins with Find.