Setting up Standing Orders

Some donors like to give recurring, open-ended gifts by instructing their bank to pay a certain amount of money each month, quarter, or year directly to the non-profit’s bank account. In the UK, these bank instructions are known as Standing Orders. Unlike a continuous credit card donation or a direct-debit bank transaction, the donor initiates the Standing Order and the bank makes regular payments on the donor's behalf.

In iMIS, Standing Orders are known as Commitments. iMIS allows charities to manage various aspects of the Standing Order process, such as:

  • Handling donor commitments – Logged-in public users can make a Standing Order commitment from a simple webpage and staff can add, update, or delete commitments using specialized staff screens.
  • Generating expected payments – Staff can run a monthly report that calculates the income expected from each donor so that the non-profit knows how much income is expected from Standing Orders.
  • Importing bank payments – On a periodic basis, the non-profit receives or downloads the file that contains information about all of the Standing Order payments it has received from donors. Using iMIS, staff can import and process this information to match bank payments to the expected payments. iMIS gifts are created for each matched payment.