Process automation

Process automation enables you to easily engage users without having to repeatedly complete time-consuming processes. This RiSE feature is comprised of scheduling tasks based on a time and date that is convenient for your organization or company. Once a task is set up, you can have it automatically run when needed, ensuring perfectly tailored and timed communications to the specified recipients. You have the ability to schedule two different types of tasks, configure how you want the task to be executed, and design the task's appearance.

Note: In order to edit system tasks or create your own tasks, you must be licensed. For more information, contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.

Scheduled tasks

There are three different types of scheduled tasks that are termed Actions:

  • Send a communication - Sends a pre-created communication
  • Run a report - Sends a report as an attachment to a communication
  • Run a stored procedure - Runs a specific stored procedure on a scheduled basis

Once you decide on the type of task you want to send, you can define how often the task will run, what conditions must be met in order for the task to run, and the data sources that comprise the task:

For more information, see Using scheduled tasks.

Alert display

The Alert display task is often used to serve as a reminder for something. For example, you could enable an alert to display on every user's profile page to remind them about an upcoming event, or that their membership is expiring soon.

Each alert display is comprised of the Alert, Conditions, and Data sources:

  • Alert - The actual text, images, links, and buttons that encompass the alert. When the data sources return records, the task generates the alert.
  • Conditions - The queries added here determine which records qualify for the alert. Only users who qualify will see the alert.
  • Data sources - From this tab, you can edit or delete any data source that is being used in the alert. Display fields from provided data sources can be inserted into the alert.

For more information, see Displaying automated alerts.