Tracking your site with Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracks and collects important data on how visitors interact with a website.  Google Analytics provides reports on the data collected allowing you to assess whether your website is meeting its goals.  This tracking is accomplished by adding a Google Analytics script to the website. A new parameter was added to the Manage websites window if you want to use Google Analytics to track data on an iMIS website. 

Do the following to track your site with Google analytics:

  1. Create a Google Analytics account:
  2. Configure the account. Google Analytics will provide the code for you to paste in the Manage websites window.
  3. Add the script to your iMIS website:
    1. Go to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage websites.
    2. Select the website to which you want to add a Google Analytics script.
    3. (Properties tab) Expand the Advanced section and paste the entire script, including the tags, in the Google Analytics script field.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Publish the website.
  4. Visit your Google Analytics account to review the data collected.