
Settings provides an overview of your system’s licenses and configurations. From the Settings navigation, you are able to set system-wide preferences.

In Organization settings, you can define the name of your organization, set an abbreviation for your organization, and define many other default organization preferences.

Contacts is where you can manage accounts, security, and communications preferences for your members and website users.

Configure all default communication settings for any email sent to your community from Community Settings.

In Commerce settings, you can conveniently manage your products, shipping and handling methods, products classes, and order confirmations.

RiSE is where you will configure your website's image, Page Builder, Search, and Workflow Settings.

If you are licensed for iMIS Translation, you can quickly configure all of your Translation Settings. Select a language and begin communicating with website users from all over the world!

In Utilities, you can generate business objects from user-defined tables and manage packages that are ready for installation, currently installed, or failed installations.

If you are licensed for Advanced Email Marketing, you can configure all default Advanced email settings.