Improving performance for remote servers

The Easy Edit feature of your iMIS content management website might be sluggish on some of your external web servers due to latency in communicating with the iMIS database. For example, it is common for your public-facing web servers to be hosted at a different data center than your iMIS database. You can improve performance by setting up a mirror of the website on your iMIS application server, then directing your frequent Easy Edit users to the appserver’s URL for the website instead of using the public URL.

Note: If your Easy Edit users are working at computers that are outside your organization’s firewall, they will need VPN access (or access through a terminal server, for example) to connect to the appserver-hosted version of the website.

Changes to the website’s content records and navigation items that are made on any server that hosts the website are automatically picked up by every other server when you publish the changes. However, images that are uploaded during Easy Edit sessions must be manually copied to all other servers. Additionally, changes that your web admins make to the site’s CSS, master page, and other aspects of the site’s template on one server must also be manually copied to all other servers.