Creating IQA-SSRS reports

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To use SSRS reports natively in iMIS, you work with three associated objects:

  1. Query — provides the data needed for the report.
  2.   Template (Reporting Services Template, the .RDL file) — provides the formatting to display the results, such as a matrix or pie chart. IQA uses a default template that you can generate from any query, either to save in the Document system or to export as an RDL, for editing and re-import. This RDL can also be used as a Standalone SSRS report.
  3.   Report (the runtime report, an iMIS output process) — binds the query and the template, sets the name, parameters, and security, and makes the report usable from a content item or list of reports.

You can generate a default table-based SSRS report just by using the Report command in IQA. Then you can export the report so that you can craft production-quality page layouts or add charting and graphing.