Entity processing in AR/Cash - Cash Receipts
Cash Line
Batch control disabled - For a credit card payment, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The entity assigned to the credit card cash account, if any
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
For a non-credit card payment, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
Batch control enabled - For a credit card payment, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The entity assigned to the credit card cash account, if any
- The cash entity specified in the batch, if any
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
For a non-credit card payment, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The cash entity specified in the batch, if any
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
Distribution/Income Line
Not applicable
AR Line
For a payment on an existing open item, uses the owner entity of the original item being paid.
For a credit card payment for a newly created Prepaid Credit Balance item if batch control is disabled, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The entity assigned to the credit card cash account, if any
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
For a non-credit card payment for a newly created Prepaid Credit Balance item if batch control is disabled, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
For a credit card payment for a newly created Prepaid Credit Balance item if batch control is enabled, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The entity assigned to the credit card cash account, if any
- The cash entity specified in the batch, if any
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity
For a non-credit card payment for a newly created Prepaid Credit Balance item if batch control is enabled, entity ownership is determined in the following order:
- The cash entity specified in the batch, if any
- The default entity for AR/Cash, if any
- The overall system default entity