Multiple entities in events
If multi-entity is enabled in your iMIS system, you can use multiple income entities within event registrations. The income entity for an event function is designated by the most specific income entity defined. For example:
- if the event function has an entity defined on the Event Function Detail window that entity is used, otherwise
- if the event has an entity defined on the Define an event window that entity is used, otherwise
- if there is a default meeting entity defined in the AR/Cash module that entity is used, otherwise
- the default system entity is used
Note: You must enable the Multiple Entities checkbox option on the AR/Cash Set up module window to use Entity Codes with Events and Event Functions.
Individual order lines to support different entities for functions
Each event function can have its own income entity, therefore each event function has its own order line.
Note: Existing order lines do not change if a function's Entity, Appeal, Campaign, and Fair Market Value are changed unless the customer un-registers for that function and re-registers after the new values are in place.
Income GL Account Hierarchies for event function Registrations
The income GL account recorded in the Trans table for event function DIST lines is determined in the following way:
- if there is an account defined in the Event function detail > Fees window that account is used, otherwise
- if the event function has a fund defined, that fund's default income account is used if it has one, otherwise
- if the event has an entity defined on the Define an event window, that entity's default income account is used, otherwise
- if there is a default meeting entity defined in the AR/Cash module, that entity's income account is used, otherwise
- the default income account for the default system entity is used.