Applying Canadian taxation to Events

Canadian taxation for Events involves applying appropriate taxes to individual events and event functions. After defining GST/HST tax codes using the Canadian taxation selection in the Organization Names window, you can enter the tax codes for your individual events and event functions.

Because services are consumed in the country in which they are delivered, all customers are considered taxable. Only customers with a nontaxable status are exempt.

Note: Once you register a customer for event functions designated as GSTINC, you cannot change that registrant's Tax Authority on the Register a customer - Attendee tab until you un-register the customer from the GSTINC functions.

To assign taxation to an event

  1. Ensure that the following setup tasks are complete:
    • Enable the Canadian taxation method for the default organization.
    • Define the GST, HST, and PST tax codes as needed.
    • Define the default tax authority.
  2. From Events, select Define an event to open the Define an event window.
  3. Double-click the event to open it in the Define an event window.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enter the default tax authority code in the Tax Authority field, or select the field’s lookup icon to search for a tax code.
  6. Tax by address is implemented for online registrations only and does not apply to Desktop registrations. This option causes the appropriate tax to be charged based on the province specified in the registrant’s Preferred Shipping Address. If this is unavailable, iMIS defaults to the tax authority of the event. Registrants see the HST amounts itemized in their carts and receipts.
  7. Click Save.

To assign taxation to an event function

  1. From Events, select Define an event to open the Define an event window.
  2. Double-click the event that uses GST taxation to open the event in the Define an event window.
  3. Double-click the function to open the Event Function Detail window.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enable the GST/HST and/or PST taxable option(s).
  6. Click Save.

When a customer registers for an event function, the system will automatically calculate the tax based upon the tax options you have defined for the specific function.