Taxation based on Bill To versus Ship To

The Tax based on: options determine when iMIS does not charge VAT:

Bill to data

Ship to / Recipient data

  • Billing address is outside of the EU
  • Billing contact is VAT Exempt
  • Billing contact is VAT registered in a different EU country from the order's financial entity
  • Shipping address is outside of the EU
  • Recipient contact is VAT Exempt
  • Recipient contact is VAT registered in the same country as the shipping address, and the shipping address is a different EU country from the order's financial entity


  • All orders have an associated financial entity, defined through System Setup > Organization Names. Each financial entity specifies a VAT Country.
  • VAT Exempt means having the VAT Exempt option enabled on the contact's VAT tab (Customers > Manage customers).
  • VAT registered requires having a VAT Registration Number specified on the contact's VAT tab. If so, whether a contact is VAT registered then depends on the tax method and the value in VAT Country:
  • Bill to Data: if VAT Country is blank, the contact is VAT registered in the VAT Country of the order’s financial entity. (Exception: Web orders honor the original iMIS VAT implementation by first trying to establish the order’s financial entity from product lines.)
  • Ship to / Recipient data: if VAT Country is blank, the contact is not VAT registered.

Here is a table that shows how VAT taxes apply to orders according to each Tax based on setting. You can substitute your EU countries for the ones used here (GB - Great Britain, BE - Belgium).