About assigning default shipping methods during order entry

When you select a 'Ship to' country during order entry, the Shipping Method field on the Overview tab populates automatically with the Default Shipping Method assigned to that country on the Default Shipping Configuration window (from Orders, select Set up module, click Add-on Charges, and click Default Shipping Configuration).

If no Default Shipping Method is assigned to the 'Ship to' country on the Default Shipping Configuration window, then the order's Shipping Method defaults to the Default Shipping Method defined on the Add-on Charges window (if the appropriate zone and freight-by-weight tables are set up for the Default Shipping Method and 'Ship to' country combination). See Calculating Freight Charges (see Freight setup) for more on setting up the appropriate zone and freight tables.

If the appropriate zone and freight-by-weight tables are not set up for the Default Shipping Method and 'Ship to' country combination, no freight charges will calculate. For example, if the Default Shipping Method is UPS, and the 'Ship to' country is England, you must define a zone table for UPS - England and a freight-by-weight table for the 'Ship to' address's zone for freight charges to calculate.

If no Default Shipping Method is defined for the Orders module on the Add-on Charges window, then you will have to select a Shipping Method from the drop-down list on the Overview tab during order entry. You always have the option of overriding an order's default shipping method when entering or editing orders.