Detail Report Parameters window
Specifications control the components that make the report run. You have some ability to change these controls:
- You can change some report formats
- You can change the defaults on certain print options (by prefixing PRINT_ and NO_)
- You can change the sort order and margins (on the Options drop-down menu, if “dark” and available)
Note: You cannot enable sorting on a standard report that does not support sorting; even though you can select the Sort box and the option appears to be available, it won’t be.
Ctrl Procedure
This is the program procedure that derives the selection/report calculation for preparing a report. Some iMIS reports do not have a separate control procedure.
With some reports, selecting Run opens a record-selection/search dialog box. The search entered determines which dialog box will appear.
Rpt File / Format
This is the iMIS procedure that controls the layout of the report output. The same control procedure (for example, billing) may have a variety of report format options.
Report Type
Select a report type from the drop-down list: Omnis or Crystal.
Save Report
(Displays when Crystal is selected from the Report Type drop-down list) Select to save the selected report type.
Main Tables
This is the name of the main iMIS table from which the report is run. This is present primarily when the same report control procedure can be used for different tables or sub-modules (for example, Quick Letter).
Search Files
The search files specify which tables to search when you run this report. Only these files appear in the Ad Hoc search window for selection.
Allows you to access runtime options that can alter the output. These options vary between reports. See the following section for a list of report options.
Some reports have the option of printing either text or field contents if entered here after a keyword (for example, after «message»).
Allows you to specify an additional filter condition for the SELECT statement (for example, Name.MEMBER_TYPE = 'D').
Report Fields
A list of the report fields from iMIS tables that are used in the report output. If these are not specified, then the report fields are derived from all the columns of all the tables from Main Table.
Access Keywords
Specifies any access keywords you want to assign.
License Required
Links the report to an iMIS module requirement; the report only appears in the report listings if the system is licensed for a module in this license list.
Select from the following options for your report: Proportional, Landscape, Letter Text, Fields, Margins, Search, Export, and Sort.
Options button
Used to display a menu of page setup options.
Crystal Params button
(Displays when Crystal is selected from the Report Type drop-down list) Opens the Crystal Parameters window.