Appeal Expense report

You can enter these search criteria when printing an Appeal Expense report (Fundraising > Generate reports > Reports > Appeal Expense):

  • Appeal code
  • Campaign code
  • Fund code
  • Date range
  • Amount range

The system searches for the expense items with exact match on Appeal, Campaign, or Fund if any of these fields are populated.

Date searches

Date searches work with these conditions:

  • If only the minimum date is populated, the system searches for any expense items that are equal to or greater than the minimum date.
  • If only maximum date is populated, the system searches for any expense items that are equal to or less than the maximum date.
  • If both minimum and maximum date are populated, the system finds the expense items that are greater than or equal to minimum date but less than or equal to maximum date.

The rules applied to the amount range are the same as for the date range.