Receipt Reports

The Fundraising module offers several receipting reports. All of these reports are Crystal reports, which can be customized.


Name of Report


Receipt (Conforms to the Canadian tax publication IT-110R3 Interpretation Bulletin for Gifts and Official Donation Receipts)

Sample Auto Receipt

Generates a receipt that includes the following fields: Registration Number, Receipt Number, Issued Date, Amount, and Original Receipt Number

Receipt Thank You

Sample Thank You

Sample receipting thank you letter that includes receipt amount and breakdown of gifts received

Register Report

Sample Register Report 1

Sample register report that includes a detail report of receipts printed

Register Report

Sample Register Report 2

Sample register report that includes a summary of receipts printed

Replacement Receipt (Conforms to the Canadian tax publication IT-110R3 Interpretation Bulletin for Gifts and Official Donation Receipts)

Duplicate Receipt

Generates a duplicate receipt that includes the following fields: Registration Number, Receipt Number, Issued Date, Amount, and Original Receipt Number