SYBUNT Report (Crystal)

The SYBUNT (some year but unfortunately not this year) report lists past collected funds (either gifts or payments) for all Donors who have contributed in two or more calendar years before the current year but who have not contributed this year or last year.

Note: To see which donors have donated last year but not this year, run the LYBUNT report.

Run this report from:

Desktop: Fundraising > Generate Reports > Reports, Fundraising > Generate executive reports

Note: In this report, Donations include Fundraising, Events, and Dues donations.

Note: This report includes Gifts and Pledge Payments. It does not include pledge income that has not been collected.

Note: The amounts for Gifts and Pledges have been adjusted by any Credit/Debit memos.

Note: This report includes Gifts and Pledge Payments. It does not include pledge income that has not been collected.

Some Year but Unfortunately Not This Year (SYBUNT)