Support for foreign language characters

iMIS runs a customizable stored procedure that replaces foreign characters (ASCII 128 to 256) with standard equivalents (see Foreign language character replacement map) (ASCII 0 to 127) before it adds a name or address to a search index. Likewise, when you search for a name or address, iMIS runs the same stored procedure on the search text before it performs the search. The stored procedure works with all Microsoft SQL Server code page settings.

iMIS supports foreign language prefixes such as l' and d'.

  • The lower-case word list accepts prefixes that contain an apostrophe.
  • A customizable list (the Company Sort Excluded Prefixes list) can exclude prefixes that contain an apostrophe from the Name.COMPANY_SORT field.

Both lists are available on the System Setup window (in iMIS Desktop, select File > System Setup).