Defining certification communications
You create email messages that are sent at the start of a stage within a certification component for different reasons and audiences related to certification. For example, you may send notifications to a staff member so that they can review progress through stages. Or, you may need to send an email to all participants in a certification program before a particular offering is available so that they can sign up for the event. You define email merges for certification communication within the Document System in iMIS.
Before you begin:
Certification programs must already be defined.
- Store the email merge in $ > Common > Shared Documents > Processes folder (or one of its sub-folders) of the Document System.
- When defining a requirement, define the email notification within a stage and select the email merge output process that you want to be sent when the stage is started.
When that stage starts, iMIS sends the communication.
- If your merge produces any email address duplicates, they result from the query specified in the merge.
- The recipients of the communication are created in a query built in the Document System interface, based on the roles for the stage containing the email notification.