Understanding iMIS Features
Explore the feature areas available in iMIS in detail. Each area provides topics containing conceptual information, configuration options, and step-by-step procedures to help you better understand the features.
- Community describes how to manage your contacts, chapters, committees, marketing campaigns, and more!
- Membership guides you through managing chapters and committees, processing membership fees, and analyzing membership performance.
- Fundraising helps you manage your organization’s fundraising campaigns, add gift items to your site, and manage your donations.
- Events is an especially exciting and flexible area for creating events online. You can also add survey questions for events and view your event calendar.
- Commerce is filled with tools for finding and adding products, managing promotions, and processing automatic payments.
- Marketing helps you effectively manage list definition, campaign tracking, and sales activity.
- Certification is a highly organized and integrated tool for managing your organization’s certification programs. Your website visitors can stay informed and up-to-date with training and certification programs and can manage and view their certification progress. Your staff can define and manage certification programs, specify program requirements, and more!
Continuum is the place to go to learn about modifying iMIS reports and building your own custom reports. In addition, you can review our sample Guided Performance Scorecard and learn how to set up these essential measurements to manage and report on your organization’s goals.
- RiSE is core to building and maintaining your organization's website content and look and feel.
- Staff Settings guides you through the process of configuring iMIS to meet your organization's needs.