Adding links to IQA results

IQA lets you design search results that contain live hyperlinks within the items that it returns. Using the Link feature on the Display tab, you can create hyperlinks for multiple columns in your query results. These links let users immediately click through to the records and content that they are seeking. In this example, users can click links to open specific contact profile and product pages.

You add the links while you are editing a query. In Advanced mode on the Display tab, populate the Link field with parameters to generate the custom link. The link must have one of the forms listed in the guidelines below.

Combining Link strings with Alias variables lets you create powerful queries that open the details that your users need. This is how Alias and Link values relate to the query results:

For steps to set up a similar query, see Example: Display completed orders.

Note: Where contact ID links go differs by platform. On your site, contact ID links open that contact’s page (~/Core/AccountManagement/Impersonation.aspx).