Tags are a special type of keyword that you can associate with content records. Tags help generate more successful search results, and the automatic population of content based on tags. All descendants of a content folder inherit the tags defined for the content folder.
AdvancedSearch content items specify tags that your users can select to narrow their search to a smaller set of tagged content records.
ContentTaggedList content items specify various tags that generate a real-time list of links to tagged content records when the content record containing the ContentTaggedList is viewed.
Tagged list formats are used by ContentTaggedList content items to format the rendered display of the list of links. The chosen tagged list format is applied as a display mask to each item in the list.
You cannot create ad hoc tags while defining content records. Instead, you must choose from a list of pre-defined tags that are usually defined by those who perform website management. This restriction ensures that your content is tagged with a centrally designed taxonomy, which provides more consistent and predictable search results.