How to upgrade to iMIS EMS
iMIS EMS is the latest version of iMIS that is 100% cloud-based. Read more to learn how to begin the upgrade process.
Things to know before upgrading to iMIS EMS
The following are important items to understand before upgrading to iMIS EMS:
- You must be on iMIS 2017 with at least Service Pack P applied; however, it is highly recommended that you be on the latest service pack.
- The following gateways are the only allowed gateways:
- Global Payments gateway
- Stripe gateway
- The REST API must be utilized (no integration through iBO or SOA)
- The following are no longer available:
- iMIS Desktop
- Crystal Reports (recreate existing using IQA, SSRS, or iMIS Report Writer)
- Customizations (e.g., views, tables, stored procedures, triggers)
Upgrade paths
The following options outline how to begin the upgrade process based on how you are hosted.
Important! All clients must work with an AiSP or ASI Client Success to upgrade. Contact your AiSP or CPIL for details.

This option applies to you if the following are true:
- Version: iMIS 2017 with latest service pack applied
- Hosting: ASI without access to your database (no VDS)
If you are a pure-cloud client, do the following to begin the upgrade process:
- Contact your AiSP or partner to let them know you are interested in upgrading to iMIS EMS.
- The AiSP, partner, or client enters a support ticket requesting a meeting with an iMIS EMS representative.
- ASI creates a test iMIS EMS site for the client using the client's database.
- ASI schedules a kickoff meeting with the client. The kick-off meeting is an introduction to the Upgrade Program and marks the beginning of the client's participation in the Upgrade Program.
- Client begins testing iMIS EMS.
- A go-live date is scheduled after the client finishes their testing.
- The client's live site is upgraded on the agreed upon date and time.
- The client works with the upgrade team for two-weeks post-upgrade.
Note: Contact ASI Hosting at least two weeks in advance of the desired upgrade date. It is recommended the live upgrade is scheduled on a Monday or another day earlier in the week. This ensures you have available resources if something important occurs. Additionally, schedule around any PTO, holidays, big events, or long weekends.

This option applies to you if the following are true:
- Version: iMIS 2017 with at least Service Pack P applied (latest Service Pack recommended)
- Hosting: ASI with access to your database (with VDS)
If you are hosted by ASI and have a VDS, all VDS requirements must be removed before upgrading to iMIS EMS.
Note: If a client needs assistance with any of the below steps, they must coordinate with their AiSP or CPIL.
Before you begin: To-do items before ordering a test site
Complete the Phase 1: Planning for an upgrade checklist.
Ordering a test site
The test site is not created until an order is placed with ASI Orders. Do the following to order a test site:
- Contact your AiSP or CPIL to place an order for a test site. Once the order is placed, ASI Orders will enter a ticket to Cloud Services requesting to be added to ASI's hosted environment and have a test instance created.
- Cloud Services does the following:
- Move the backup and all associated files to a testing location.
- Give access to the database for the AiSP or Client Success to remove all customizations and ensure the database is on the latest service pack.
- Upgrade the backup (this could take up to seven business days).
- Cloud Services gives client, AiSP, or ASI Client Success the link to the iMIS EMS test site.
Testing iMIS EMS with your AiSP or ASI Client Success
Complete all items in the Phase 2: Staging the upgrade and performing tests checklist.
Note: The ASI Upgrade Program Team is available for consultations throughout the upgrade testing phase with the AiSP or ASI Client Success as needed. Please submit a support ticket requesting to talk to the upgrade program team.
Upgrading live
The following is the process to begin the live upgrade:
- All items in the Phase 3: Preparing for the live upgrade checklist are complete.
- The client's live site is upgraded on the agreed upon date and time.
- All items in the Phase 4: Performing post-upgrade tasks are completed.

This option applies to you if the following are true:
- Version: iMIS 2017 with at least Service Pack P applied (latest Service Pack recommended)
- Hosting: Self-hosted/on premise or traditionally hosted
The following is the upgrade process for those who are self-hosted/on premise or traditionally hosted.
Note: If a client clients need assistance with any of the below steps, they must coordinate with their AiSP or CPIL.
Before you begin: To-do items before ordering a test site
Do the following before ordering a test site:
- If the client is on a version earlier than iMIS 2017, they must reach out to their AiSP, partner, or CPIL about upgrading to iMIS 2017.
- Upgrade database to iMIS 2017 with the latest service pack.
- Complete all items in the Phase 1: Planning for an upgrade checklist.
- Gather the following items:
- BAK file
- KEK file (C:\AsiPlatform\Asi.Scheduler_iMISClient\App_Data)
- Website app themes (C:\Program Files (x86)\ASI\iMIS_Instance\net\App_Themes)
- Images (C:\Program Files (X86)\ASI\iMIS_Instance\net\images)
Important! You must have these items ready before reaching out to ASI, as they are required before the upgrade can proceed.
Note: Many clients have worked with a backup database during the implementation phase and send ASI the backup when they are ready to enter the upgrade program or receive an iMIS EMS test site. On the live upgrade date, the system is upgraded twice: Live database > iMIS 2017 > iMIS EMS
Ordering a test site
The test site is not created until an order is placed with ASI Orders. Do the following to order a test site:
- Contact your AiSP or CPIL to place an order for a test site. Once the order is placed, ASI Orders will enter a ticket to Cloud Services requesting to be added to ASI's hosted environment and have a test instance created.
- A Cloud Services analyst will respond to the ticket with a secure link where you can upload the database backup, KEK file, website app themes, and all images.
- Cloud Services does the following:
- Move the backup and all associated files to a testing location
- Review live database to ensure it's on iMIS 2017 with latest Service Pack and all customizations were removed by the partner or Client Success
- Upgrade the backup (this could take up to seven business days)
- Cloud Services gives client, AiSP, or ASI Client Success the link to the iMIS EMS test site.
Important! The AiSP or Client Success is responsible for removing all customizations before uploading the 2017 database backup to Cloud Services.
Testing iMIS EMS with your AiSP or ASI Client Success
Complete all items in the Phase 2: Staging the upgrade and performing tests checklist.
Note: The ASI Upgrade Program Team is available for consultations throughout the upgrade testing phase with the AiSP or ASI Client Success as needed. Please submit a support ticket requesting to talk to the upgrade program team.
Upgrading live
After everything is successfully tested, the following steps remain to go-live:
- All items in the Phase 3: Preparing for the live upgrade checklist are completed.
- ASI Hosting provides a link where client, AiSP, or ASI Client Success can upload the following items:
- BAK file - This must be an iMIS 2017 database with latest service pack applied
- KEK file (C:\AsiPlatform\Asi.Scheduler_iMISClient\App_Data)
- Website app themes (C:\Program Files (x86)\ASI\iMIS_Instance\net\App_Themes)
- Images (C:\Program Files (X86)\ASI\iMIS_Instance\net\images)
- The client's live site is upgraded on the agreed upon date and time.
- All items in the Phase 4: Performing post-upgrade tasks are completed.