Cloud-safe tailoring and customizations for iMIS

The following table illustrates the approved and unapproved methods of customizing iMIS for your organization for the following versions:

  • iMIS EMS Enterprise
  • iMIS EMS Professional
  • iMIS Direct SQL Access Program

Be sure you are following the allowed methods to avoid errors or other potential negative impacts to your organization.

Tailoring and customizations cannot be achieved either by direct SQL access to iMIS schema to perform queries, imports, or any type of data manipulation that cannot be performed in the iMIS User Interface or by standard programming languages that do not utilize the iMIS RESTful API .

  Allowed method Not allowed method
Create custom views iMIS Business Object Designer Direct SQL access
Custom data calculations

iMIS Business Objection Designer/Expression Builder

Direct SQL access: SQL Views, Triggers, Stored Procedures

Create custom tables iMIS Panel Designer Direct SQL access
Data import

iMIS Contact Importer, Donation Importer, Workbook Converter

Direct SQL access: Custom triggers on tables, SQL updates and imports

Third party integrations and bridges iMIS RESTful API Any access not using the iMIS RESTful API
Searches in iMIS iMIS Intelligent Query Architect (IQA) Direct SQL access
Automation iMIS Process Automation Any method that requires direct SQL Data access, such as triggers or stored procedures
Custom payment gateways

All gateways outlined here:Gateways , or

ASI Approved

Any payment gateway not approved by ASI