Editing custom account pages
Out-of-the-box, iMIS comes with pre-built account pages that users are encouraged to make copies of, so they can customize the account pages. See Understanding and modifying account pages .
Once you begin working with custom account pages, you can continue to edit aspects of the account pages.

If you are not sure where in the Document System your custom account page tabs are located, do the following to find their location:
- Go to your account page.
- Enable Easy Edit.
- Select Open in Content Designer.
- Make note of the content record location noted in the editor:
- Close the page.
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Navigate through the noted folder path. The account page tabs are there and can be opened for editing.

When editing panels, you can add or remove properties or change property labels.
Adding and removing properties
- Go to the account page you want to edit.
- Enable Easy Edit. Content items available for customization are highlighted in blue and have the Configure button available when hovering over the content item.
- Hover over the Panel Editor content item, then click Configure.
- Next to the Panel option, click Edit.
Click and drag additional properties to the layout area to add new properties.
- Click the X on each property in the layout area to delete unwanted properties.
- Click Save & Close.
- Click Save & Publish.
Changing property labels
Do the following to change a property label:
- Go to the account page you want to edit.
- Enable Easy Edit. Content items available for customization are highlighted in blue and have the Configure button available when hovering over the content item.
- Hover over the Panel Editor content item, then click Configure.
- Next to the Panel option, click Edit.
- Scroll down to find the property Label you wish to change, delete the current label, and type the new one.
- Click Save & Close.
- Click Save & Publish.
If you wish to add a new panel to an account page, see Creating a panel and adding it to account pages.

Do the following to edit the layout of an account page tab:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Navigate to @/Shared_Content/Staff/Tabs.
Note: Your custom account pages may be in a different folder. If your account page tabs are not located in the Shared Content folder, locate the account page tabs.
- Double click on the tab you want to rearrange.
- Click and drag the various content items to their new locations you want them to display at. Available areas to move the content item to highlight in gray.
- Click Save & Publish.

Do the following to edit the name or change the order of account page tabs:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Navigate to the folder location of the custom account page tabs. The out-of-the-box location is @/Shared_Content/Staff/Tabs.
- Open the content record for edit.
- (optional) Update the Title if you want to change what is displayed in the title of a browser window or browser tab.
- Update the Publish file name:
- Changing the name of the tab: Enter the new name in the Publish file name field to change the name of the tab.
- Changing the tab order: Entering a number as the first character of the Publish file name will specify the order the tab appears on an account page, beginning with zero.
Important! You will want to change the number of the other tabs as well to ensure the tabs are in the correct order after you begin modifying the numbers.
Click Save & Publish.

To delete a tab you do not want or need to use, simply delete the related content record from the @/Shared_Content/Staff/Tabs folder:
- Select the content records, for example, Volunteering and Giving.
- Go to Organize > Delete.
Note: To select multiple content records at once, hold down Ctrl on your keyboard, then click each content record.

Even after copying the out-of-the-box account pages, you are still using out-of-the-box queries on the copied pages. If you need to edit a query on one of the account page tabs, you will need to do the following:
- Make a copy of the query - On each iMIS upgrade, the out-of-the-box content, including queries, is overwritten. Any changes made to out-of-the-box content are not preserved on upgrades, so it is best practice to make a copy of the content, then make changes to the copy.
- Make changes to the copied query
- Update the custom account page to point to the updated query
Example: You need to display the Product Codes associated with orders in the Recent transactions query on the Transaction tab of account pages.
Determining the query's location
Do the following to determine where the query exists in the Document System:
- Go to an account page.
- Enable Easy Edit.
- Locate the query you need to edit. For this example, it is the Recent Transactions query.
- Hover over the Recent transactions query, then click Configure.
- Make note of the query path in the Source query or folder field.
Editing the query
Do the following to edit the query:
- Go to RiSE > Intelligent Query Architect.
- Navigate through the query path. For this example, the path is the following:$/ContactManagement/DefaultSystem/Queries/Recent Activities/Transactions.
- Make a copy of the query and paste it into the same folder or any folder you want. If pasting the query in the same folder, the name of the query is prepended with "Copy_of".
- Open the query and edit as needed. For this example, click the Display tab.
- Enable the Display checkbox for the [CsOrderLines] Product Code property.
- Continue editing the query as needed, then click Save.
Updating the account page to use the edited query
Do the following to update the account page to use the edited query:
- Navigate back to the account page and locate the query.
- Hover over the Recent transactions query, then click Configure.
- Scroll down to the Source query or folder field, and select the new query.
- Click OK, then click Save & Publish.
The account pages now display the newly updated query.

The following options allow you to change the account page banner:
- CSS classes - Enable users to change the banner color on account pages.
- Layout - Enable users to use the out-of-the-box banner on account pages.
Note: Only one class can be used at a time.
Using CSS classes to change the banner color
The following table outlines the available CSS classes and the associated hex code color.
Class to enter in the 'Page contain CSS class' field | Hex code |
account-banner-bg-color-1 | #ffffff |
account-banner-bg-color-2 | #413d6b |
account-banner-bg-color-3 | #6b458f |
account-banner-bg-color-4 | #9b4c81 |
account-banner-bg-color-5 | #ca4d48 |
account-banner-bg-color-red | #d03528 |
account-banner-bg-color-orange | #e98300 |
account-banner-bg-color-yellow | #e8d92d |
account-banner-bg-color-green | #68bd49 |
account-banner-bg-color-blue | #00a9e0 |
account-banner-bg-color-purple | #413d6b |
account-banner-bg-color-mps-1 | #007fa8 |
Do the following to update the account page banner to use a color:
- Navigate to a contact account page and enable Easy Edit.
- Select Open in Content Designer.
- Click the Properties tab.
- From the Page contain CSS class field, add the desired class.
- Click Save & Publish.
Updating the Layout to use the out-of-the-box banner
The out-of-the-box account pages use a banner that is controlled by a page layout.
Do the following to update the account page to use the out-of-the-box banner:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Open the custom account page.
- From the Layout drop-down, choose AccountPageBannerOverContent.
- Click Save & Publish.

After you start using custom account pages, any new content added to the out-of-the-box account page tabs is not automatically added to your custom account pages.
To add the new content on out-of-the-box account pages to your custom account pages, do the following:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Navigate to the out-of-the-box account page tabs:
- Individuals: @/iCore/Contacts/ContactLayouts/Staff/Tabs
- Organizations: @/iCore/Contacts/OrganizationLayouts/Staff/Tabs
- Open the content record that contains the new content you want to use. For example, if there is content on the Membership tab that you want to use on your Membership account page tab, open the Membership content record.
- Find the content item, then click Copy To.
- From the Document Browser, navigate to the page you want to move the content to.
- Click OK.
- Continue that process for each content item you want to use, then close the content record.
- Navigate to the page you moved the content to, then open it for edit.
- Move the content item around to the desired location, then click Save & Publish.
Note: If you would like to use all content on a tab, copy the entire content record, then paste it in the same location as the other account page tabs.