iATS is based in Canada and is available to customers in Euro area and United Kingdom.
For more information about the payment gateway appropriate to your locale, contact ASI or your AiSP. The iATS gateway can be used for:
AutoPay | Type of transaction | iATS |
With AutoPay | Recurring credit card | Yes |
ACH/Direct Debit | No | |
Without AutoPay | Single credit card | Yes |
ACH/Direct Debit | No |
Setting up the iATS gateway
Before you go live with card authorization, you must complete these implementation steps and checks:
- Apply for a merchant bank account at a financial institution.
- Register with the iATS card authorization gateway.
- Verify your registration setup. This will be a notification from iATS.
- Add the iATS payment gateway information to iMIS.
- Go to Settings > Finance > Pay Central, then click the Gateways tab.
- Select Add new gateway account.
- From the Gateway drop-down, select iATS.
- Enter an Account code. This is a user-defined field. For example, IATS_CC_US. Once you save the gateway account, you cannot change the Account code field.
- Enter an Account Name. This is the description for the gateway.
- Enter the gateway Password. Do not use spaces, ampersands (&), equal signs (=), single-quotes ('), or double-quotes (") in the password.
- Select the Region in which you are collecting payments or to define your default currency. Options include:
- United Kingdom
- United States/Canada AUS
- Enter an Agent Code (this is the user name supplied by the gateway).
- Click Save and Close.
- Define the payment method and payment method sets. If the payment method isn't correctly set up, the transactions will not go through.
- The default currency code must be specified in order for iMIS to pass the correct currency values to the gateway.
- Go to Settings > Finance > General.
- Under General, specify the Default currency code. The currency code must be the three-character ISO-4217 code.
- Click Save.
- Submit and review test transactions.
- The acquiring financial institution approves the application and notifies the authorization gateway.
You must apply for a merchant bank account. The merchant bank is where all the credit card transactions are verified. You can find a list of financial institutions using the authorization gateway website. However, before contacting a merchant bank, check with your bank to see if it is compatible with the authorization gateway.
Every organization accepting online credit card transactions must have a merchant account with an acquiring financial institution.
The acquiring financial institution deposits the daily credit card sales into the merchant’s account after deducting applicable fees. Some acquiring financial institutions perform merchant services in-house; others outsource these functions to a third-party processor. These services may include billing, customer service, reporting, authorization, and settlement services for merchants. A third-party processor is a company that provides credit card services to merchants on behalf of acquiring financial institutions.
You must set up an account with iATS for your card authorization gateway. Set up your account by going to the iATS website at http://home.iatspayments.com/.
Note: Make a note of your user login and password. You will need it to configure iMIS. ASI Technical Support does not have access to this information.
Do the following to add the iATS gateway to iMIS:
Note: For access to this navigation item, system administrators must have a Finance: 5 module authorization level.
Do the following to set the default currency:
The option to select a Default Currency is disabled if there are prices for a currency already defined in the system. The currency can be defined only if the database is empty of products with prices. Once products with prices are defined in the database, this option is disabled.
Note: Before you go live, contact iATS to be aware of your SmartDebit limit. Users attempting to enter a recurring payment of an amount higher than the listed SmartDebit limit will receive an error and the payment will not be taken.