Upgrading through the Direct SQL Access Program

Important! Before you can upgrade through the Direct SQL Access Program, you must be approved. Contact your CPIL to learn more.

The Direct SQL Access Program is a transitionary step to assist the self-hosted/on premise or traditionally-hosted clients in getting to the latest version of iMIS EMS. Although the Direct SQL Access Program is cloud-based, it includes direct access to SQL, so clients and partners can reconfigure and remove existing customizations and non-cloud-friendly integrations before transitioning to iMIS EMS.

Things to know before upgrading

Before requesting an upgrade, ensure the following criteria is met:

  • You must be on iMIS 2017 with at least Service Pack P applied; however, it is highly recommended that you be on the latest service pack.
  • The Direct SQL Access Program includes direct SSMS access to the database. This access ensures clients and partners can reconfigure and remove existing customizations and non-cloud-friendly integrations before transitioning to iMIS EMS Enterprise.
  • Important! Although you can upgrade with preexisting customizations, you must continually work toward replacing or dropping all customizations and non-cloud-friendly integrations. No new customizations will be added to the database once it has been transferred to ASI's hosted environment. ASI Cloud Services will release updates on a regular basis that could potentially break preexisting customizations, and the client is responsible for resolving these issues.

  • The following gateways are the only allowed gateways:
  • Please inform Cloud Services if you have a self-hosted DataVault.
  • The REST API must be utilized (no integration through iBO or SOA)
  • Applications other than iMIS (e.g., Office, Visual Studio) are no longer supported
  • The following are no longer available:
    • iMIS Desktop
    • iMIS TaskCentre
    • Crystal Reports (recreate existing using IQA, SSRS, or iMIS Report Writer)

Upgrade path

The following outlines how to upgrade to iMIS EMS through the Direct SQL Access Program.

  1. Contact your CPIL and ask that they work with ASI Orders to enter a ticket to Cloud Services requesting to be added to ASI's hosted environment and start the iMIS Direct SQL Access Program upgrade:
  2. Run the Upgrade Scripts.
  3. Client and AiSP or ASI Client Success discuss and analyze the results of the scripts. They determine which customizations they need, how they can replace them, and any other details surrounding the customizations. Any customizations not being used should simply be dropped.
  4. Tip! Color code the output document to easily see which are actively being used (GREEN), which you are unsure about (YELLOW), and which are not being used anymore (RED).

  5. Complete the pre-upgrade tasks.
  6. Gather the following items:
    1. BAK file
    2. KEK file
    3. Website app themes
    4. Images
    5. Note: If the iMIS 2017 site is already in the Cloud Plus or traditional environment hosted by ASI, provide the name or location of the database to be copied.

    Important! You must have these items ready before the upgrade can proceed.

  7. Provide first and last names of up to three users who will need SQL access via SSMS, along with their email addresses and the IP addresses they will be connecting from.

  8. Cloud Services does the following:
    1. Provide a secure link where you can upload the files (unless already in the Cloud Plus or Traditional environment hosted by ASI).
    2. Move the backup and all associated files to the dedicated testing location
    3. Review live database to ensure it's on at least Service Pack P; however, it is highly recommended that you be on the latest service pack
    4. Upgrade the backup (this could take up to seven business days)
    5. Setup SQL user accounts for access to the database.
  9. Client is to register and onboard with the appropriate gateway:

Performing the tests

During the testing phase, the client, AiSP, or ASI Client Success should complete the following:

  1. Test all third-party applications and integrations. The test site is available while testing and final stages of application integration are completed by the AiSP or ASI Client Success.
  2. The client/AiSP/ASI Client Success is to follow a test plan to review all areas of change.
  3. Important! iMIS Report Writer is an extra license cost. Contact your CPIL if you require iMIS Report Writer.

    Important! Any changes made in the test site do not automatically transfer over on a live upgrade. Keep detailed notes about the changes you make in the test environment, so that you can make the same changes after the live upgrade. Items such as content records, queries, and business objects can be manually exported from test and imported into the live system.

  4. The client works with the AiSP or ASI Client Success to reconfigure and eliminate customizations.
  5. Once customizations have been replaced through reconfiguration or out-of-the-box iMIS functionality, the client should prepare to move to iMIS EMS.
  6. The iMIS EMS Checklist is completed, signed, and AiSP or ASI Client Success notifies Cloud Services that all necessary testing has been completed.

Upgrading live

After all third-party applications and integrations are successfully tested, the following steps remain to go-live:

  1. AiSP or ASI Client Success notifies Cloud Services that all necessary testing has been completed and that they are ready to schedule their production upgrade.
  2. Note: It is recommended that a ticket be submitted to Cloud Services four to six weeks in advance of the anticipated upgrade date.

  3. ASI Cloud Services will work with AiSP to schedule a date for the upgrade.
  4. Note: It is recommended the live upgrade is scheduled on a Monday or another day earlier in the week. This ensures you have available resources if something important occurs. Additionally, schedule around any PTO, holidays, big events, or long weekends.

  5. The client's live site is upgraded on the agreed upon date and time.

Next steps

After the production upgrade is complete, the following happens:

  • Your SQL access will be changed to Read Only for 30 days before being removed.
  • Your staging site will be removed two weeks after the release of the production site. Clients or AiSP should contact Cloud Services if the staging site is needed past this date.

  • AiSP or ASI Client Success is responsible for reconnecting any third-party application to the live site.
  • Complete the post-upgrade tasks, including setting up the iMIS Mail Service.
  • Set up the gateway in the live site: