Event content items

Use the Events content items (Content Gallery > Offering) to design and present your events for self-service registration in your public-facing iMIS website:

  • Event Display – shows event information, manages registration status, and (optionally) permits users to register others
  • Event Program Display – lists all program items within an event that the registrant can select, with the ability to group the program items by day, track, and category, if they are defined.
  • Function Display – shows program item information and modifies registration status
  • Event Edit – edits details about an event and allows users to create new events when no event key is specified
  • Function Edit – edits details about a program item and allow users to create new program items when no function key is specified

Note: Anonymous visitors to your website (both non-members and members who have not signed in yet) and can view information about events and program items. However, to register, they must sign in.