Enabling workflow for content authoring
When defining a content folder, use the Workflow Management section to assign a content authority group and a content owner to a content folder. All content records created in that content folder will subsequently progress through the content authoring workflow that is defined by the permissions assigned to each member of the content authority group:
- Any content authority group member who has Content Editor permissions can be assigned as the content owner for the content folder or for individual content records within that folder. If for any reason this member becomes ineligible to be a content owner, the member who has Default Owner permissions is automatically assigned as the new content owner for the content folder or content records that were assigned to the now-ineligible content owner. Events that can make the current content owner ineligible include:
- The content owner is removed from the content authority group assigned to this content folder.
- The content owner's Content Editor permissions are revoked within the content authority group assigned to this content folder.
- A different content authority group is assigned to the content folder and the current owner is not a member with Content Editor permissions in the newly assigned content authority group.
Note: For content folders that have a content authority group assigned to them, the Owner of this content value is not copied to new content records that are created inside the content folder. Instead, content records automatically have this value set to specify the first person who created the content record, which you can subsequently modify as needed.
Note: A content record does not have a content owner automatically assigned if it was created by a person who is a member of the SysAdmin role, but who does not have Content Editor content authority group permissions in at least one content authority group.
- The Page Builder Task List for each member of the assigned content authority group lists the content records that they can take action upon.
- Content authority group members who have Content Editor permissions see content change requests and expiring content records in their Task List. They also see content records they have been defining and which are still in Working status.
- Content authority group members who have Content Approver permissions see content publishing requests and content deletion requests in their Task List.
Note: For more information on the Content and Navigation Workflow task, which must be enabled through iMIS Process Automation, see Using scheduled tasks.
The assigned content owner for the content folder must be a member of the assigned content authority group. Unlike other content authority group members, the content owner receives email notification of expiring content records. For specific content records within the folder, you can specify a different owner other than the default owner assigned to the parent content folder. This different owner must be a member of the content authority group assigned to the content folder, and must also have Content Editor content authority group permissions.

If a content folder does not have an assigned content authority group, then no workflow management takes place for the content records within that folder:
- Content change requests and expiring content records appear in the Page Builder Task List for every user in the system who has been assigned Content Editor permissions in any content authority group.
- Content publishing requests and content deletion requests appear in the task list for every user in the system who has been assigned Content Approver permissions in any content authority group.
- No email notifications of expiring content records are received.