
Moneris is available in Canada. Moneris supports the following transactions:

  • Credit card:
    • single donation, membership, or product

Before you go live with card authorization, you must complete these implementation steps and checks. You will need a merchant account with Moneris. As a developer, you will also need a copy of the Moneris SDK, documentation, tools, and a test account with test card numbers. Make sure your test account credentials work properly.

Note: Be sure to enable Use Address Verification if your Moneris profile includes this rate-discounting service.

  1. Apply for a merchant bank account at a financial institution. The acquiring financial institution approves the application and notifies the Moneris authorization gateway.
  2. Register with Moneris and obtain a test account with a payment server, Merchant ID, certificate files, payment host URL, and login/password for the payment administration web interface.
  3. Verify your registration setup. This will be a notification from Moneris.
  4. Add your gateway in iMIS.
  5. Associate an authorization account with a credit card cash account code.
  6. Manage Moneris transactions.