Assigning Access Keywords to users

After the ACCESS_KEYWORDS table has been created and you have assigned access keywords for the windows and data to which you want to limit access, you can assign access keywords to the users that you want to allow to access customer information. Access keywords are assigned to users through iMIS System Setup.

To assign access keywords to users

You may limit user access (see Access Keywords in Customers) to information in the Customers feature of the administrative view.

Note: You must create access keywords before you assign them to user records.

  1. Log on to iMIS as MANAGER.
  2. From System Setup, select Security administration > Users.
  3. Find a Full or Casual user and open their user record.
  4. In the bottom half of the User Access area of the Users window, enter one or more access keywords in the Access Keywords field, or click the Find icon to select keywords.
  5. Note: If you create access keywords and apply them to specific areas in Customers, but do not specify the keywords in a user record, that user cannot enter or edit information in those areas of Customers.

  6. Click Save.

Exit and restart iMIS Desktop.