Authorization level privileges

Authorization levels let you precisely control the iMIS Desktop privileges of individual users. A standard type of privilege (such as Run reports) is associated with each level, but specific windows and fields also become available at certain levels. Note that Casual records are limited: you cannot assign them authorization level 8 or the SysAdmin role.

All authorization level privileges are additive. For example, authorization level 3 automatically gets all of the privileges available at levels 0, 1, and 2.

Note: Access Keywords (see Access Keywords in Customers) defined in various areas of iMIS constrain these authorizations. For example, one user's authorization level enables her to edit a particular window, but one sensitive field on that window might be read-only or even hidden from her unless her record also contains the specific access keyword that exposes it.

These are the general privileges associated with each authorization level:


Common privilege type


No access


View information


Run reports


Create and edit records


Delete records


Maintain tables


Change reports


Configure features - SysAdmin (see Authorization levels: Desktop views)