Database maintenance: DB Maintenance

iMIS Database maintenance (DB Maintenance) is a standalone application that replaced the iMIS 10 Table Analysis utility. This tool lets you rebuild, analyze, and manage all iMIS tables. It also lets you run special scripts that prepare your database to support advanced options, such as PCI, NRDS, and VAT.

Note: The DB Maintenance utility replaces DB Repair.

When first logging in to DB Maintenance, it is recommended that you log in with a user account that has System Administrator privileges.

For most functionality in DB Maintenance, you can log in with an account that has database owner privileges. However, some functionality (such as repairing the publishing queue) requires System Administrator privileges, including the majority of the functionality available through Prepare iMIS Database.

DB Maintenance runs as a separate, local application from the iMIS program group and organizes helpful database commands on a set of tabs.

  • Change Connection – Switch to another iMIS database.
  • Output – Displays information about the functions performed; this information also writes to a log file in the executable's directory.
  • Analyze Database – Run a full analysis on the entire iMIS database. This process performs an extensive database analysis, so allow ample time for it to run.
  • Table analysis testing:

    • missing table
    • missing or extra columns
    • wrong column order, data type, length, or defaults
    • wrong numeric precision, scale, radix
    • missing index
    • missing PK/unique/clustered index
    • missing or disabled triggers
    • missing or disabled/distrusted foreign keys

  • Prepare iMIS Database – Prepare an iMIS database that has just been restored to a new location or under a new name.
  • Note: It is recommended that you log in with a user account that has System Administrator privileges. The majority of the functionality available through Prepare iMIS Database requires System Administrator privileges.

  • Table Details – Analyze, examine, reset, or rebuild individual tables.