Configuring SQL, IIS and services

When a user interacts with the iMIS website, information and settings related to that user are held on the server in a session. By default, the session is held in memory, but it is also possible to configure the website to hold the session information in a SQL Server database.

Users might want to consider this option if interested in reducing memory overhead in their web server. If using a web farm to allow sharing across servers, using this option will allow users to access settings through the database. SQL Server Sessions will also allow session settings to be maintained even if a web server needs to be recycled. However, because this option always accesses session settings from the database, performance might be slightly slower.

Note: These instructions are of a technical nature, and are only be performed by a website administrator. Further information about SQL Server sessions is available on the Microsoft website.

Note: This feature is available for Advanced Accounting Console and the Mobile, Member, and Staff sites.

Before making this change to your live website, make any desired changes on a test copy of the live site and test thoroughly to ensure that the configuration changes meet your unique needs. Pay special attention to third-party content items, as they might not have been tested to run with sessions in SQL server.

Do not configure iMIS for SQL Server Sessions if you are currently using Process Manager.