Utilities (Utilities menu)

The commands on the Utilities menu help you maintain and monitor reports, tables, and data that are used throughout iMIS.

Note: As functionality moves to .NET, many of these utilities are being replaced by and incorporated into DB Maintenance and DB Upgrader, which are available from your iMIS program group.

The Utilities menu is only available from the administrative views.

Report Specs

Opens the Report Specifications window, where you can copy and modify standard reports.

SQL Query

Opens the SQLQuery window, where you can enter and execute SQL commands.

Reports and Queries…

Opens the System Reports and Queries window, where you have access to SQL scripts that can be run to manipulate your iMIS data.


For developers: Executes an iMIS procedure.

Open Application

For developers: Opens a different Omnis library.

Data Transfer Utility

Opens a sub-menu of the following items, which appear only if licensed:

  • Export Utility – opens the Export Utility window
  • Import Utility – opens the Import Utility window
  • Export to ProSort – opens the ProSort Exports window