Phase 2: Staging the upgrade and performing tests

Do the following to complete phase 2:


Using the iMIS EMS test site, the client must work through the testing documentation:

Global Payments gateway

During the testing phase of iMIS EMS, you will start the process of transitioning from your current gateway provider to either the Global Payments (NA & AP) or Stripe (UK & EU) gateways. To begin the process, fill out the Enrollment Form.

Customization replacements

Complete the following related to the ListNonImisDatabaseObjectName upgrade script:

    Client and AiSP or ASI Client Success discuss and analyze the results of the ListNonImisDatabaseObjectName script.

    Replacements for customizations are created and implemented in the iMIS EMS test site.

    Client tests all customization replacements and confirms they are ready for go-live.

Third-party integrations

Complete the following:

    Third-party integrations are identified.

    Communication between the third-party vendors and clients has started. Vendors are aware that an iMIS upgrade is occurring in the near future.

    Identify all queries that are accessing the REST API. These queries must be explicitly granted API access post-upgrade, so it is important that they are identified during the pre-upgrade stage. See IQA Security Update and Updating queries that must access the REST API for more information.

Helpful resources:

Other items to review