Testing checklist

This is not an exhaustive list, but here are some items in iMIS EMS Enterprise that you should test:

    Public websites – Spot-check the public websites. Does anything immediately stand out, such as the look-and-feel, broken images, or broken links?

    Queries – Check your most-used queries. Are those queries running as they normally do?

      Tip! Remember that all custom views and stored procedures were removed. If you have a query or page that references a custom view, you will receive an error on the page. If you can, we recommend recreating the view using iMIS. If you cannot recreate the view using iMIS, please make note of the error and let ASI know.

    Reports – Check your most-used reports. Are your reports running as they normally do?

    Tip! If the reports are not running properly, it might be due to a custom view or stored procedure that was removed from your iMIS database. Make note of the error the report is detailing and let ASI know.

    Account pages – Check the staff-facing and member-facing account pages. Does the data on the account pages look correct?

    Searching – Is everything working as-expected when you search for contacts, events, and products?

    Payment processing – Can you process a payment using the cash or check payment methods?

    Donations - Can you make a donation? Is the donation being receipted? Be sure to use a cash or check payment method. Credit and debit payment methods do not work in the test environment.

    Links – Are the links in your website still navigating to the correct pages?

    Downloadable documents – Are the downloadable documents still downloading?

    Custom content items – If you have custom content items, are they still running correctly?

    Renewals – Can you process a membership renewal? Are the correct members being pulled based off the criteria you define in the renewal processing?

    Processes – Check the pages in iMIS that you use the most:

    • Accounting: Check out all of the navigation items under the Finance section of the Staff site. Are those pages all working correctly? Does the content on the pages look right? Can you export general ledger transactions?
    • Website: Can you edit, add, and publish website content? Can you modify the sitemap or create a new RiSE website?
    • Events: Can you edit and add events? Can you register a contact for an event?
    • Membership: Are your billing cycles and products set up correctly? Can you create a new contact and join them as a member?
    • Fundraising: Do your gift items look correct? Can you edit or add gift items?

    Dashboards - Do the dashboards look correct? Is the data properly displayed?


    • Are the SMTP settings populated (Settings > RiSE > Email settings)? If the SMTP Host and Port fields are empty, add the following values:
      • SMTP Host -
      • Port - 25
      • Be sure to purge the website cache after the settings are configured (Settings > About iMIS > Purge System Cache).
    • Do the communication templates have the correct format? Is the content in the template still there and usable?

    Products - Do the commerce products look correct? Are the titles, descriptions, and prices all correct?