
Training course iMIS Orientation

iMIS EMS is the latest edition of iMIS. It is 100% Desktop free and cloud‐based. It unifies your member database, online payments, website, and third‐party applications into a single cloud‐based engagement management system (EMS)TM leading to operational efficiencies, revenue growth, and continuous performance improvement.

To better understand the many components and tasks, the upgrade process is broken into phases.

Phase 1: Planning for an upgrade

Do the following to complete phase 1:

Phase 2: Staging the upgrade and performing tests

Do the following to complete phase 2:


Using the iMIS EMS test site, the client must work through the testing documentation:

Transfer your gateway to Global Payments or Stripe

During the testing phase of iMIS EMS, you will start the process of transitioning from your current gateway provider to one of the following gateways:

  • Global Payments (North America & Asia Pacific only) - Review the getting started guide and fill out the Enrollment Form.
  • Stripe (Any region) - Review the getting started guide.
  • The Stripe gateway is available in all regions upon request. Please contact your AiSP or CPIL to learn how to get started with the Stripe gateway.

Customization replacements

Complete the following related to the ListNonImisDatabaseObjectName upgrade script:

    Client and AiSP or ASI Client Success discuss and analyze the results of the ListNonImisDatabaseObjectName script.

    Replacements for customizations are created and implemented in the iMIS EMS test site.

    Client tests all customization replacements and confirms they are ready for go-live.

Third-party integrations

Complete the following:

    Third-party integrations are identified.

    Communication between the third-party vendors and clients has started. Vendors are aware that an iMIS upgrade is occurring in the near future.

    Identify all queries that are accessing the REST API. These queries must be explicitly granted API access post-upgrade, so it is important that they are identified during the pre-upgrade stage. See IQA Security Update and Updating queries that must access the REST API for more information.

Helpful resources:

Other items to review

Phase 3: Preparing for the live upgrade

Do the following to complete phase 3:

    Complete and sign the iMIS EMS Checklist .

    Notify ASI Cloud Services to say you are ready for a live upgrade and attach the iMIS EMS Checklist.

    Schedule a live upgrade date with ASI Cloud Services.

    Note: Contact ASI Hosting at least two weeks in advance of the desired upgrade date. It is recommended the live upgrade is scheduled on a Monday or another day earlier in the week. This ensures you have available resources if something important occurs. Additionally, schedule around any PTO, holidays, big events, or long weekends.

    Communicate the live upgrade date with all third-party application vendors.

    Important! It is the client or AiSP's responsibility to coordinate with the third-party integrations to ensure no connections are broken post-upgrade.

    Any changes made in the test site do not automatically transfer over on a live upgrade. Create a list of to-do items that must be manually recreated or changed after the live upgrade. Items such as content records, queries, and business objects can be manually exported from test and imported into the live system.

    Assign someone the task of disabling Process Automation tasks associated with dropped stored procedures. See Disabling Process Automation tasks using custom stored procedures for details.

    The evening before the live upgrade date, complete the Pre-upgrade checklist items that are remaining.

Phase 4: Performing post-upgrade tasks

Do the following to complete phase 4: