Pre-upgrade checklist

Tip! To assist with completing the pre-upgrade checklist, use the Upgrade Dashboard.

Understanding when to perform each checklist item

The tasks outlined in the pre-upgrade checklist fall into one of the following categories:

  • Category 1: Tasks that should be completed in the live 2017 site before the 2017 DB backup is created for the staging site. If not performed in the live 2017 site first, these tasks must be completed in both staging EMS and live 2017 site before the final upgrade.
  • Category 2: Tasks that should be completed in the EMS staging site and then again in the live EMS site after the live upgrade.
  • Category 3: Tasks that should be completed in the staging site, then again in the live 2017 site right before the live EMS upgrade. Some Category 1 tasks may fall into this category if they are not performed before the staging upgrade.

Upgrade tasks

Review the following pre-upgrade tasks, ensuring to make note of the related category.

File Storage

  • (Category 2) Files (e.g., images, PDFs) stored in non-standard locations must be identified and sent to Cloud Services. If content on the site references these files using hard-coded paths rather than relative paths, this will require content to be updated post-upgrade. To minimize post-upgrade content updates, ensure that all file references use relative paths or path variables. See Images and files testing for full details.


  • (Category 2) Review the iMIS reserved words article. There are several areas throughout iMIS where certain Codes and Names should not be used. If any of these reserved words are used, there will be errors after the upgrade. If you find that there are Codes or Names that are using reserved words, contact ASI Technical Support for next steps.
  • (Category 3)For those upgrading from on-premise, 20/20 Advance Program, or Direct SQL Access Program to cloud, you must ensure the database is has the correct collation. The following collation is required: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. To review or change the collation, see the Microsoft Documentation.


  • (Category 1) Ensure there are no addresses without a Country defined.


  • (Category 1) Ensure the M and NM customer types are defined.
  • (Category 1) Ensure no billing cycle names match billing product codes.
  • (Category 2) Ensure no billing product codes contain spaces.
  • (Category 1) Open cash non-dues and list billing invoices must be rebilled after the upgrade. Prior to upgrading, confirm whether there are open cash non-dues and/or list billing invoices. If there are, you must perform the associated post-upgrade step.
  • (Category 1) Create an IQA query to identify contact records with AVAIL_CREDIT balances. After upgrading, the identified AVAIL_CREDIT balances will automatically offset the balance of dues products when cash dues renewals are generated. However, generating these renewals will create an open batch that must be posted to complete the credit application. For more information, see the post-upgrade step.


  • (Category 1) Ensure you are not using a deprecated website template or theme on any website. See Updating deprecated templates and themes in websites.
  • (Category 1) Ensure the Constellations template changes do not affect your custom websites.
  • (Category 1) Multiple publishing servers are no longer supported and must be removed before upgrading. The only publishing server that should be defined prior to upgrading is Publish Server Code A with Is Default set to Yes.

Panels & Tables

Note: While testing panels and tables, it may be useful to review what panel sources are used in each panel definition. Use the ListPanelDefinitionSources.sql script to generate one row for every source included in a panel.

  • (Category 1) After an upgrade to iMIS EMS, there may be panels and/or panel sources that are missing. This may be because the panel source was not correctly added to the ObjectMetaData table when it was initially created. For full details, see Ensuring panels and panel sources are not missing after an upgrade.
  • (Category 1) Confirm every table and/or business object you need accessible as a panel source is properly defined as such. This step is to ensure any table you may need to use as a panel source is converted properly and added to the ObjectMetaData table (as compared to the next pre-upgrade check that is specifically referencing customizer tables). If this action is not performed before upgrading, the tables only appear as business objects and you cannot use them in Panel Designer.
  • (Category 1) Import customizer tables that were never configured as panels.
  • (Category 1) Update Panel Collection Editor content items that are configured to Use all available panels.

Business Objects & Queries

  • (Category 1) Identify queries that are accessing the REST API. These queries must be explicitly granted API access post-upgrade, so it is important that they are identified during the pre-upgrade stage. See IQA Security Update and Updating queries that must access the REST API for more information.
  • (Category 1) Publish all working business objects.
  • (Category 1) Update business objects that are built from unsupported internal tables or views.

RiSE & Settings

  • (Category 1) Ensure no content folders under the root folder (@) are named iMIS.
  • (Category 1) Publish all working content.
  • (Category 1) Rename Tagged List Formats that contain characters other than letters, numbers, and underscores.
  • (Category 1) Remove the Expansion value from general look up tables, with the exception of the DESIGNATION, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and FUNC_TITLE tables.
  • (Category 1) Update custom system icons. iMIS system icons have been updated from PNG to SVG (.svg) for the enhanced scalability, smaller file size, and customization options that the SVG file format offers. Custom themes may require adjustments because of this enhancement. See Updating custom system icons for full details.


  • (Category 1) Ensure payment methods are defined with a specific Type. If no Type is selected, such as Cash or Credit Card, the payment method will become an Open Credit payment method after the upgrade.
  • (Category 1) Post open batches.
  • (Category 1) Process all premium transactions.


  • (Category 1) To ensure all necessary products are available for public users to purchase, you must confirm the product's Web Option is correctly configured prior to upgrading.
  • (Category 3 ) Product special pricing rules cannot be edited after the upgrade, so you must delete the rules prior to upgrading.
  • (Category 1) iMIS EMS does not support multiple warehouses, so you must designate all inventory to the default warehouse before upgrading. If you do not have multiple warehouses enabled, this does not apply to you.


  • (Category 3) Update events that are using stored procedures for price evaluation.
  • (Category 1) Update the Show on Web option for events.
  • (Category 1) Contacts that have been deleted from iMIS that were once defined as the Event Contact will still have their iMIS IDs recorded in the event definition, which causes errors when editing the event post-upgrade.To prevent these errors, it is important that these IDs are removed from the event definition.
  • (Category 1) Contacts that have been deleted from iMIS that were once defined as an event function resource (speaker or staff) will still have their iMIS IDs recorded in the event definition, which causes errors when editing the event post-upgrade. To prevent these errors, it is important that these IDs are removed from the event definition.
  • (Category 1) Images added to an event through the iMIS Desktop are not added to the Image Manager during the upgrade, which causes errors when editing the event post-upgrade. To prevent these errors, it is important that these images are removed from the event.