When running continuing education, certification and accreditation programs, it is vital that you have the specifically designed tools necessary to help you improve your performance and minimize risk.
With iMIS, you can create repeatable, scalable and integrated programs with a system that has a solid track record for stability, reliability, and predictability. You have the flexibility to manage multiple certification programs, streamline application processes, generate notifications, and track candidate progress from start to finish.
Key features
- Define and manage multiple certification programs, each with a different set of criteria.
- Award continuing education credits (CEUs) to individuals or groups based on event attendance or other criteria you define.
- Specify any combination of requirements for a certification, including integration with iMIS events and products.
- Allow applicants to apply for certifications online.
- Allow applicants to view and monitor their certification progress online.
- Link certification program criteria to iMIS events or products.
- Keep track of which individuals are certified and identify those individuals whose certifications need renewal.
- Send automated emails to applicants who are either approved or denied certification.
- Send automated reminders to those individuals who need to renew their certifications.
Certification - Example 1
Certification - Example 2