Managing enrollments
Tracking registration for certification courses or certification programs involves knowing who is enrolled and getting counts of the number of registrants.
Students can register themselves from your organization’s Member site or your staff can register students for programs and components through the Staff site.
You can test for an individual student's completion of the program after students have completed the requirements for a program or a portion of a program.
Before you begin:
- If a participant does not already have a contact record in your iMIS database, add their contact information.
- Ensure that the certification program exists and has a Status of Active.
- Ensure that components and offerings exist for the certification program.
Do the following to enroll a contact in a program:
- Go to Certification > Enrollments > By program.
- Click a Program name to open the program dashboard.
- Click Enroll a Contact.
- Find the contact you want to register.
- You can enter the enrollment date for the enrollee. By default, the Enrollment date is the current date. The Enrollment date field is only available when at least one contact is selected.
- Click Enroll Selected.
Note: To register multiple contacts, select the checkbox for each contact you want to register.
Do the following to review enrollees by program:
- Go to Certification > Enrollments > By program.
- Click a Program name to open the program dashboard.
- Earned - Number of enrollees who have a status of Earned along with the total number of enrollees.
- Enrolled, not earned - Number of enrollees who have not completed any portion of the program.
- Grace period - Number of enrollees who did not complete the program by the deadline, but have been granted extra time to complete the program.
- Expired - Number of enrollees who did not complete the program and the expiration date has passed.
- Enter a value to search on, and click Find.
- Click an enrollee's name to review the status of the specific requirements.
These program dashboard provides the enrollment status for the program:
Do the following to review an enrollee's certification programs:
- Go to Certification > Enrollments > By enrollee.
- Find an enrollee and click the enrollee's name. A high-level summary of the enrollee’s current Certification Program enrollments, as well as available certification programs, are displayed.
- Click the certification program Name to review certification program details.
- Click Enroll to register the contact for the selected certification program.
- Click Print Transcript to view a Transcript Report in a standard, exportable format.
- Click View progress to track the enrollee’s progress through the certification program.
- Enrollment date - The date on which an enrollment takes effect.
- Grace period begins - Provides a time extension past the deadline for enrollees to complete the program.
- Expiration date - The date on which the enrollment will expire.
View all the programs the contact is both enrolled in and eligible to enroll in.
If the requirement is Complete, the date and supplemental information is provided. If the requirement has no status, you can register the enrollee.
Staff users can edit the following information:
Note: Staff users can extend the Grace period for enrollees by editing and extending the Expiration date.
Note: Grace period begins and Expiration date are used in combination to calculate the Completion deadline shown to users.
You can purge expired enrollments. You can also purge enrollments for certification programs that are no longer offered or are cancelled.
A purge does not delete the contact record; the purge deletes the related recorded registration information.
You must log on as a user with the role of Certification Manager to purge inactive registrations.
- Go to Certification > Enrollments > Inactive enrollments.
- Search for a specific enrollee or click Find to display all inactive registrations.
- Select the checkbox for each enrollment to want to remove.
- Click Purge Selected to remove the selected enrollment.
Note: This list displays records of contacts participants that are marked as inactive registrants in the database. These can be purged from a certification program enrollment, but this enrollment purge does not remove the contact record from the database.
Do the following to cancel a user's enrollment from a certification program:
- Go to Certification > Define programs > Certification programs.
- Click the certification program Program Name.
- (Definition tab) Select the Allow enrollees to cancel enrollment option.
- Go to Certification > Enrollments. You can select By program or By enrollee:
- By program:
- Click the Program for which you want to cancel a user's enrollment.
- Enter the necessary search parameters and click Find.
- Click the Full Name of the enrolled contact. A program-definition window is displayed.
- By enrollee:
- Enter the necessary search parameters and click Find.
- Click the Full Name of the enrolled contact.
- Click View progress for the certification program for which you want to cancel a user's enrollment.
Note: Select a certification program in which a user is already enrolled but not yet completed.
- By program:
- Click Cancel program enrollment. A warning message is displayed.
- Click OK.
Note: If the Allow enrollees to cancel enrollment option is not selected, then only system administrators and non-system administrator staff that are part of the Certification Manager or Certification Admin groups can cancel program enrollments. For more information, refer to Assigning security credentials and staff access.
The user's enrollment in that certification program is cancelled. The user can be enrolled again.
Note: Completions of offerings (requirements in a program) cannot be cancelled, deleted, or removed.
Do the following to record a completion of a certification program for an enrollee:
- Go to Certification > Enrollments > By enrollee.
- Find and open the enrollment for the enrollee for whom you want to record a requirement completion.
- Select View progress on the certification program for which you want to complete a requirement.
- Click the Requirements link. The Requirement details display along with any associated Offerings, such as classes.
- To record completion for a requirement, click Record Completion for the offering completed or for the overall requirement if it has no associated offerings.
- Enter a Date.
- (optional) Enter any necessary Notes.
- If required, specify the Grade.
- If applicable, click Attach file to attach a file. In the File Upload window, select the file and click Upload.
- Save the completion information.
Note: When viewing requirements, only those requirements which can be completed have available Requirements links.
If the requirements must be completed in a specific order, some Requirements links might not be available until the previous requirements are completed.
Enter the necessary information:
Note: If the completion requires approval by a staff user, Awaiting approval is displayed in the Status column. If the requirements must be completed in a specific order, the program enrollee cannot progress to the next stage until the previous requirement has been approved. See Program completions for more information.
Do the following to review completed requirements for a contact:
- Go to Certification > Enrollments > By enrollee.
- Find and open the enrollment for the enrollee for whom you want to review completed requirements.
- Click View progress for the certification program for which you want to review completed requirements. A list of program requirements is displayed. You can view the Status of the requirements:
- No Status – The program enrollee has not completed the requirement.
- Awaiting Grade – The requirement requires that a grade be entered before it can be completed.
- Awaiting Approval – The requirement requires that a staff user approve its completion. See Program completions for more information.
- Complete – The requirement has been completed and requires no further action.
- Click the link of a completed requirement to review the completion details. Completion details are read-only once a requirement has a Status of Complete.
- If you want to access a file attached to the requirement, click the file name.
Note: When viewing requirements, only those requirements which can be completed have available Requirements links.
If the requirements must be completed in a specific order, some Requirements links might not be available until the previous requirements are completed.
Staff users can edit and make any changes to a certification program through the Staff site by navigating to Certification > Define programs > Certification programs. Most edits made to the certification program will not affect current enrollees:
- If you edit the program and enable Maintenance Program, an additional enrollment is available when current enrollees complete the program.
- If you edit the program and disable Maintenance Program, an additional enrollment is not available when current enrollees complete the program.
All certification program enrollees must cancel and re-enroll into the program after edits have been applied.