Defining certification communications

Training course

You can create email messages that are sent at the start of a stage within a certification component for different reasons and audiences. For example, you might send notifications to a staff member so that they can review progress through stages. Or, you might need to send an email to all participants in a certification program before a particular offering is available so that the participants can sign up for the event. You define email merges for certification communication within the Document system in iMIS.

Before you begin, certification programs must already be defined.


  • Store the email merge in the $/Common/Shared Documents/Processes folder in the Document system.
  • When defining a requirement, define the email notification within a stage and select the email merge output process that you want to be sent when the stage is started.
  • When that stage starts, iMIS sends the communication.


  • If your merge produces any email address duplicates, the duplicates result from the query specified in the merge.
  • The recipients of the communication are created in a query built in the Document system interface, based on the roles for the stage containing the email notification.