iMIS reserved words

There are several areas throughout iMIS where certain Codes and Names should not be used and could cause errors if they are used.

Primary record identifiers

The following codes should not be used as the primary identifier for any record type in iMIS, such as the Product Code, Event Code, Tax Code, Financial Entity Code, or Customer Type Code:

  • CON
  • PRN
  • AUX
  • NUL
  • COM1 - COM9
  • LPT1 - LPT9

Billing product codes

Each billing product has a specific Type. These types are a maintained code in iMIS that allow you to classify billing products and should never be used as a billing product's code. The following should not be used in the Code field when creating a new billing product:

  • DUES
  • SEC
  • SUB
  • VOL
  • MISC

Customer types

The following rules should be kept in mind when creating or editing customer types:

  • Do not delete the out-of-the-box M and NM customer types. These customer types are required in many default pricing areas throughout iMIS, such as event pricing groups.
  • Do not use CON as a customer type code.

Committee codes

Committee codes and committee group codes should not contain any spaces or special characters other than underscores (_ ).

Using HTML in field properties

Using HTML in most field properties (such as event, commerce product, and billing product name) will result in an error. Do not use HTML in field properties.


Do not Name an IQA Group IsStaff.

Business Objects and IQA

Tip! Review Building Business Objects: Best Practices & Rules before creating a custom business object.

  • Custom business object names should be prefaced with My_.
  • Do not Name a Business Object Name, or after any other table name (e.g,. A new business object is created using the Counter table. Instead of naming it Counter, it should be named My_Counter).
  • Custom business objects cannot contain the TIME_STAMP property.
  • Do not use Item as an Alias in Display columns of IQA queries.

Tagged List Formats

Do not put spaces in the Name of a Tagged List Format.

Panel Designer

The following rules should be kept in mind when creating panel sources and panel properties.

  • Do not name a panel source property MarkedForDeleteOn. When data is populated for a given row in a source named MarkForDeleteOn, the row is excluded from queries and panels.
  • Do not name a panel source property Item.

Document System

Content folders directly under the root folder (@) cannot be named iMIS. Folders that are not directly under the root folder can be named iMIS.