
iMIS 2017 is the last iMIS version to include a desktop application. It can be hosted in the Cloud or on-premise and provides access to VDS and SQL servers. It has limited access to web-based product functionality.
iMIS EMS is the latest version of iMIS for larger organizations and includes advanced functionality. It is cloud-based, hosted in ASI’s Microsoft Azure environment, and 100% desktop application free without access to VDS or SQL servers.
iMIS EMS On Premise is the on-premise version of iMIS EMS. This version is only available by request.

- Access keywords - Deprecated. Replaced with module authorization levels.
- Accounting - The systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of the financial transactions of an organization.
- Accounting date - The date assigned to the journal entries related to the upfront recording and posting of a commerce transaction or to subsequent processing of the commerce transaction related to the change in accounting status. The accounting date should always align with the invoice date for an accrual standard invoice or an accrual adjusting invoice. For a payment, the payment deposit date should be used to record the cash receipts journal entry.
- Accounting period - A regular period of time for which a financial statement is produced.
- Accounting policy - A systematic routine that determines how the financial transactions of an organization are recorded and reported, such as how income (whether earned or a gift) is received and recognized, how expenses are authorized and paid, and how assets and liabilities are presented on the organization’s financial statements.
- Accounts receivable (AR) - Money owed to an organization by customers who have bought goods or services on credit (when income is recorded on the accrual accounting basis). Accounts receivables are current assets that continually turn into cash as customers pay their bills.
- Accrual basis - The accounting method that recognizes income at the time of sale (when goods are shipped or invoiced, or services rendered) and expenses at the time they are incurred, independent of when they are paid for. This method focuses on events that have cash consequences for the organization.
- Acknowledgment - A letter or other written notification sent to a donor to inform the donor that a gift or pledge has been received. iMIS allows for acknowledgments to be customized by salutation, body of letter, and sender.
- Acquiring financial institution - An acquiring financial institution is a bank or other financial organization that contracts with banks and merchants to allow merchants to accept card transactions. Some financial institutions perform merchant services. Others outsource these services to a third-party processor
- Active contact - The member whose record is selected.
- Active member - An association member whose dues and membership are up-to-date.
- Activity - An iMIS record of a predefined type of interaction with a customer. For example, a cash donation generates a GIFT activity, conference attendance generates a MEETING activity, a solicitation generates a REQUEST activity.
- Adjusting invoice - Invoice that is cross-referenced to a standard invoice for the purposes of increasing or decreasing product charges or reducing the open balance of the invoice.
- Adjustment transaction - A commerce transaction, in whole or in part, that impacts the current status of an original posted transaction.
- Advanced Solutions International - The company behind iMIS. The year 2020 marks its 29th year in business, having served more than 4,000 clients.
- Aging - The length of time an amount is past due for payment on an invoice.
- Alias - An alternate name for an IQA column property.
- AMS - See Traditional AMS Systems.
- Anniversary billing - Used when the membership terms fluctuate. Usually corresponds to each customer's Join Month or subscription Begin Month.
- Announcements - Items posted for information only. Announcements can be configured to allow replies.
- Annual billing - Used when all renewing customers have the same Begin and End dates. The Begin Date could vary for new customers who join later in the year, and their dues can be prorated for a partial term.
- Annual conference site - An out-of-the-box site, designed to support critical projects such as an association’s annual conference. This site maximizes the impact of the project without affecting the main association site or micro sites from different years, while still seamlessly integrating content between the various sites.
- Any chapter (CHAPT%) - When included in a customer type, enables chapter fees to be used as the primary membership fee. Users can choose from any available chapters defined in the billing cycle.
- Appeal - A short-term activity with a specific objective that is a specific instance of a request, such as a mailing or telemarketing event.
- Asset:
- A non-cash contribution that has monetary value, such as real estate, stocks, or an annuity. An asset differs from an in-kind contribution in that its longevity is generally greater than a year. An asset is treated the same as an in-kind contribution in iMIS.
- Economic resources that are owned or controlled by the organization. Both AR and cash accounts represent assets.
- Something valuable that a financial entity owns, benefits from, or has use of, in generating income. In accounting, an asset is something an entity has acquired or purchased, and which has money value (its cost, book value, market value, or residual value). An asset can be:
- Something physical, such as cash, machinery, inventory, land and buildings
- An enforceable claim against others, such as accounts receivable
- A right, such as copyright, patent, or trademark
- An assumption, such as goodwill
- Audit trail - A reference accompanying an entry (posting) to an underlying source record, or a trail of documentary evidence proving that transactions are authorized. A good audit trail lets you efficiently check the accuracy of accounting entries.
- Authenticated user - A user who has logged in.
Designates the class of accounts that represent the total, cumulative debt owed to you by customers who purchased goods and services on credit.

- Backorders - Backorders indicate that insufficient inventory is available to fill an order. Orders that cannot be filled are held in a backorder status until inventory is received.
- Badge - A badge is a nametag that is given to each attendee to wear at an event. Badge formats usually feature the individual's nickname or first name (enlarged for readability) and include other identifying information such as full name, title, company, city, and state. Sometimes, each badge is marked with a color-coded strip to differentiate groups of attendees: customers, guests, exhibitors, speakers, and staff.
- Balance - The sum of debit and credit entries in an account:
- If positive, it is a debit balance.
- If negative, it is a credit balance.
- Batch - A group or collection of transactions of the same general type, identified by a unique name or number. The transactions might be batched together by date or by other parameters.
- Best Practices - Commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as correct or most effective.
- Bill Begin - Projected begin date for an individual dues or subscription product. Refers to the first date of a term through which the item has been billed, whether or not payment has been received.
- Bill to ID - Refers to whomever is responsible for paying the registrant's event fees. This might be the registrant or, as in many cases, a third party such as the registrant's company or employer. When a Bill to ID party is identified, all accounting and invoice transactions are tracked under the Bill to ID ID. However, all participation history continues to be tracked under the individual registrant's ID (if represented in the customer database).
- Bill To contact - The party financially responsible to pay for an order. A single bill to contact is assigned to each order and to each invoice.
- Billed thru - Refers to the projected Paid Thru date (expiration date) for an individual dues or subscription product. It is the term end date through which the item has been billed, whether or not payment has been received.
- Billing - The processing of renewable, specified-term products for a group.
- Billing address - The address to which the invoice document should be sent. For online payments, the billing address of the credit card which is used for credit card verification.
- Billing category - Optional subcategories of the customer type which define dues amounts when the customer type is not specific enough for an association's needs.
- Billing cycle - A defined billing run set up to bill a particular group of people for a particular set of products.
- Billing interval - Indicates how frequently customers are billed. The interval can be annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, and so forth.
- Billing term - The period of time between the beginning and ending dates for the services or products that are being billed.
- Book - A set of pages tied together in a hierarchical parent-child relationship. Multiple levels can exist and these can be used for manuals, FAQs, or other content groupings.
- Breadcrumb - Text showing the sitemap of a visited page that appears automatically on every site. These navigation areas must be enabled globally in the website’s sitemap.
- Business object - A collection of self-contained data that represents an entity or process, and shields the physical data.
- Business object designer - An administrative tool for viewing, editing, and creating iMIS business objects that provides a graphical user interface to the properties related to business objects.
A balance sheet is a report showing the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of a business on a certain date.

- Campaign - An orchestrated fundraising effort that lasts for a defined period of time, or a series of appeals. Although frequently used by fundraising organizations, campaigns are not required in iMIS Fundraising.
- Capture - A capture is the process of submitting a credit card or debit card transaction for financial settlement. When a transaction is captured, the transaction amount is credited to your deposit account through your acquiring financial institution and posted to the cardholder’s credit card or debit card account. This transaction usually occurs after midnight when authorizations for the previous day are batched.
- Card authorization gateway - A card authorization gateway is a third-party credit card or debit card interface, similar to an automated point-of-sale system that provides a front end to financial networks, financial institutions, and payment processors, which allows merchants to provide credit card or debit card authorization to their clients.
- Card Security Code (CSC) - The three- or four-digit, unembossed number that is displayed on the front or back of a credit card or debit card. This is often used as an added measure of verification for card transactions. The Card Security Code is not part of the actual card number.
Other names include:
- Card Verification Data (CVD)
- Card Verification Number
- Card Certification Value (CVV)
- Card Certification Value Code
- Card Verification Code (CVC)
- Verification Code (V-code, V code)
- Signature Panel Code (SPC)
- Cash account - Represents ready money available to the organization. Usually, there is a separate cash account for each bank account in which the organization maintains deposits.
- Cash accounting - The system of accounting in which income is recognized when the payment is received for an invoice.
- Cash basis - The accounting method in which income and expenses are accounted for on a cash-received and cash-paid basis. Contrast with Accrual basis.
- Cash GL account - GL account that aligns with an individual bank account that is owned by a financial entity. Traditional payments, once processed and posted, result in an increase in the balance of a Cash GL account.
- Cash receipt - Cash amount (currency and checks) received and deposited into one of the organization's bank accounts.
- Cash receipt document - Document that confirms the receipt of a payment from a customer and communicates information about how the payment was applied (such as applied to a new order or an existing open invoice balance).
- Cash receipts journal - Journal in which all cash receipts are recorded before they are posted to the general ledger. These entries are reconciled regularly with the bank statements as an internal auditing measure.
- Category - A category is a grouping of components similar to the way university courses are grouped by department. The category is a program requirement. You can group component requirements into categories so that completion of some or all of the components meets the category requirement.
- Certificate - An official document awarded to an individual to recognize participation in a specific educational seminar or program. Certificates can be used as proof of participation.
- Chapter - Method to organize contacts by regional areas.
- Chart of accounts:
- A list of all the accounts (names and numbers) maintained by a business.
- System of accounting records developed by every organization to be compatible with its particular financial structure and with the amount of detail required in its financial statements. The chart of accounts consists of a list of GL account names and numbers showing classifications and sub-classifications, serving as an index to locate a given account within the general ledger. A company has the flexibility to tailor its chart of accounts to best suit its needs, including adding accounts as needed.
- Claim - In security, an individual right or action applicable to a particular resource. Individual rights are granted by a particular Issuer and allow a user to perform a specific operation on a specific resource or group of resources.
- Claims set - In security, a collection of claims granted by a particular issuer to a given user or required by a specific resource in order to perform a specific operation.
- Client/Server technology - A method of processing data in which data is stored and processed on a central server, but users interact with data using local machines which retrieve data from and send data to the server.
- Clipboard - A designated storage area in the operating system from which you can copy data and to which you can paste data. When you copy data in an application, the data is written to the clipboard.
- CMS - See Content Management System.
- Combo record - A combo record is a company record that also contains a first and/or last name. Combo records are legacy functionality and were created in the iMIS Desktop. If you do not use the iMIS Desktop, you do not have any combo records in your database.
- Commerce - The trading of something of value between two parties, such as goods, services, or money.
- Commerce item - A representation of goods or services offered for sale. A commerce item might be a physical item, a service, a downloadable item, an event registration, a subscription, or a donation.
- Commerce transaction - The data set result from the recording and processing of any or all of the following items:
- One or more new customer purchases
- One or more prepayments
- An ordered product
- The assignment of payment or billing instructions for an unpaid order balance
- One or more payments of an existing open invoice balance
- An adjustment related to a previously processed and posted transaction
- Committed - The actual number of products committed to fill open orders or the number of products in inventory that are awaiting shipping. Committed products do not include backorders.
- Communities - An online forum that lets a group collaborate on projects, share knowledge, communicate and connect with others, and stay in touch using email subscriptions.
- Community list - A grouping of all of the communities associated with a particular organization or user.
- Company flow down - A way to join customers through the organization ID. You can flow down data such as address, phone, and so forth, from the organization ID to the customer record joined by the organization ID.
- Comparison method - Specifies the method by which data is restricted for a column in IQA.
- Completed - Indicates that the student has finished the set of requirements of a Certification program or component.
- Complex group - A group with roles assigned to some or all members.
- Component:
- A component is an individual requirement that must be completed before a student can complete a program and achieve certification. Components also can be tracked alone without a program to achieve certification.
- Individual items within a kit.
- Confirmation - A letter or notice that is sent to a registrant, confirming receipt of a registration and listing any fees. A confirmation usually lists all of the functions the registrant selected and other details and instructions the registrant included, such as guest information. It might show the current status of the registration and include specific or general comments about the upcoming event, such as instructions for signing in on arrival and reminders of what materials to bring to the event.
- Contact - The term used to refer to accounts. Contacts are searchable, can be edited and updated, and can be linked to companies, committees, and workflows.
- Contact reports - A section of reports that are able to detail activity participation, personal information, and statistics. Users can use these reports to create tables, rosters, and certificates.
- Contact status - Method to indicate standing within the organization for specific actions, communications, and workflows. Includes the following defaults:
- A – Active
- S – Suspended
- I – Inactive
- D – Mark for Deletion
- Content:
- Core Content – Standard, out-of-the-box pages which provide core functionality and are generally shared across multiple websites.
- Shared Content – Pages shared across multiple websites so layout and content changes can be made in one place.
- Website-specific content – Pages that are designed specifically for the needs of a single website (can still be shared with others).
- Content authority group - A special type of iMIS security group whose members have permissions that are specific only to iMIS content management functionality. Content authority groups are also used to enable content authoring workflow.
- Content code - A tool used to help differentiate content records stored in different content folders with the same Publish file name.
- Content gallery - The location of the iMIS content items as well as traditional content types.
- Content items - The unique components of core iMIS functionality that can be placed together on a content page. They are flexible, re-usable and powerful. Most core iMIS functionally is available as content items.
- Content layout - An iMIS definition object that contains information for how the content zones of a content page will be arranged. A content layout defines only the arrangement of elements that will be displayed for a content page within the main content area. A content layout does not define the overall layout of the website, which is defined by the site's master page.
- Content Management System - A software application that manages digital assets, typically web content. iMIS is the only software product for associations with a built-in CMS, called RiSE, so business system and websites come from the same source with countless benefits.
- Content page - An iMIS definition object that contains the content layout information and content items needed to render a web page.
- Content record - An iMIS definition object stored in the Document System that specifies all the information needed to render a web page for an iMIS-controlled website.
- Content tagging - A method of categorizing website content that helps users retrieve information.
- Content type - A registered content item definition that includes the information required by RiSE to configure, publish, and display the content item.
- Continuing education units (CEU) - Often expressed in hours or points, can be awarded to individuals who participate in or attend a specific educational seminar or program. These units are important for many professionals to earn certification and meet continuing education requirements.
- Continuous Performance Improvement Machine - A software system that automatically advances an organization towards achieving its goals, operating with the efficiency of a Machine.
- Continuum - Legacy term for the iMIS reporting system.
- Control account - General ledger account whose balance reflects the total of balances of related subsidiary ledger accounts. Accounts receivable and accounts payable are the most commonly used control accounts, and their balances serve as a crosscheck (control) of the accuracy of the associated subsidiary records.
- Credit - Entry on the right side of a journal entry (carries a negative accounting sign). Credit has the effect of:
- Decreasing an asset or expense GL account balance
- Increasing a capital, liability, or income GL account balance
- Credit memo invoice document - Official document sent by an organization to a customer (Bill To contact) stating that an amount has been credited to an original invoice belonging to the customer. A credit memo invoice document is issued for a variety of situations, including when:
- An invoice amount is overstated
- The correct price sheet or promotion was not applied
- The goods spoil within the guaranty period
- The goods do not meet the customer's specifications and are returned
- Customer - A person who has met the membership criteria set up by the association.
- Customer type - Categories of membership that define the membership levels and amount charged for membership, or dues and subscriptions.
- Customer website - Any website created by an organization to meet the specific needs of its members, donors, or other targeted groups. Changes to these websites are not affected by upgrades except where the websites incorporate Core content pages.
- Customers terms - Customers is the core area of functionality where back-office customer relationship management occurs.

- Dashboard - The landing page for each of the main navigation areas of the staff site. It provides a quick view of important, up-to-date association contact and membership figures. This information-management tool visually tracks, analyzes and automatically displays key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and important data points to monitor the health of an organization, department or specific process. Typically, dashboards can be tailored easily to meet specific needs
- Database - An interactive collection of related information that is organized into meaningful units (files, records, fields, graphics, and photos) for storing and accessing in order to facilitate searching and updating information.
- Data Silos - Sseparate, unconnected data files resulting in inefficiencies and duplicate effort.
- Date-limited group - A group with specific join and end dates for the group or for a role in the group.
- Deadline date - The deadline date is the date by which the program or component requirements must be completed.
- Debit - An entry on the left side of a journal (or T) entry (that is, it carries a positive accounting sign). Debit has the effect of:
- Decreasing a capital, liability, or income GL account balance
- Increasing an asset or expense GL account balance
- Debit adjustments - Have the opposite effect of credit memos, increasing the debit balance of open accounts receivable, such as increasing or adding a line item charge or bringing a credit balance to zero due to an overpayment, credit memo, or cancellation transaction. Debit adjustments allow one or multiple funds to be debited at month's end.
- Debit memo document - Official document sent by an organization to a customer (Bill to contact) stating that a new amount is owed due to a change applied to an original invoice. A debit memo invoice document is issued for a variety of situations, including a product price change.
- Default accounts - Accounts assigned to your organization's entities that serve as the default account if a payment is entered without specifically assigning an account for the payment.
- Deferred income - The principle of accounting in which the recording of income is deferred until the accounting period when the costs are incurred, related to the generation of the income. For example, for an event, the deferred income is recorded during the month in which the event occurs. For a subscription or membership, it is typically spread evenly across the span of service.
- Designation - A designation is an acronym that is appended to an individual's name to indicate the individual has completed a certification program and is certified in a specific area.
- Display order - The order that columns display in the results for a query.
- Distribution - Refers to an organization's selling, advertising, and delivery activities.
- Document system - A server-side file system containing documents and objects (business objects, query objects, and output processes).
- Donation - A monetary or in-kind contribution that is associated with an iMIS distribution. This is a pre-defined combination of a campaign, fundraising appeal, and fund.
- Donor site - A rich and highly customizable website for fundraisers conducting charitable campaigns and product sales with the public.
- Down payment - An initial payment on an installment pledge. A down-payment is treated as a gift.
- Due To-Due from processing - A means of correcting balancing problems when a payment is received and is deposited to an account that is owned by an entity other than the owner-entity of the gift or pledge. Due To-Due From entries are generated when transactions are sent to the General Ledger.
- Dues - Membership fees charged to customers.
- Duplicate record check - A formula used to make sure the same record is not entered in the database twice. Duplicate record checks are often used on the Major Key field (such as Social Security Number).

- Eagle Vision - Perfect vision. In leadership terms, the ability to see the future and make forward-looking decisions.
- Easy edit - An icon that enables staff users to edit and configure content items and content directly, rather than through the formal content management process.
- Editing - Editing is the process of changing the payment information for a transaction in the Trans database table in iMIS.
- Effective date - The date used to determine which customers will be billed. Normally, a customer or subscriber will be billed if they have met the billing selection criteria, their Paid Thru date is before the Effective Date, and if a renewal has not already been generated. If you want to override the Effective Date, make the change after selecting a billing cycle. If you change the Effective Date and then select a billing cycle, the Effective Date reverts to the default.
- EMS - See Engagement Management System.
- Engagement Management System - A Modern System like the iMIS EMS platform, designed to evaluate and increase the level of involvement of its constituents.
- Engagement Scoring - An automatic method of measuring the level of engagement of an organization's constituents.
- End date - The date on which an individual's group membership ends.
- Enrolled date - The date that a student enrolled in a program or component.
- Equity - Net-value, or the excess of total assets over total liabilities.
- Event - A gathering, such as a seminar, convention, or board meeting, for which you need to organize, plan, and track details, including the list of expected attendees.
Traditionally occurs at a particular time and place. The event might occur at a particular location and be attended in person (for example, a conference or seminar), or it might occur in a virtual meeting place (for example, a webinar or teleconference). - Event code - A tool used to help differentiate event records stored in different content folders with the same Publish file name.
- Event coordinator - An individual who is responsible for managing the planning and/or operation of the event or some aspect of the event.
- Event showcase - The detailed display of information about an event. The showcase can include images and a variety of information.
- Expense - Money expended or cost incurred in an organization's efforts to generate revenue. An expense is typically an event in which an asset is used up or a liability is incurred, such as cost of goods sold, damaged goods, and bad debt expense.
- Expiration date - Date on which a group member's role expires. For example, the treasurer might serve one year, but the chair of a committee serves two years. The individuals are still members of the group after their specific role term expires.

- Faster Horses - The limited dream of users unaware of systems capable of evolving over time in a limitless fashion.
- Field - An individual data element contained within a record. A field might appear in a data maintenance window in the form of a labeled text box or option. The components of the customer name in the Customer Portfolio, for example, are all fields. Note that field might be referred to as a column in certain cases.
- Filter - One or more column-specific search conditions in IQA.
- Financial entity - A legal entity for which a separate set of balanced financial accounts (or set of books) must be maintained independently. Although accounting information from different entities can be combined for consolidated reporting purposes, all transactions and accounts must be kept in balance for each entity.
- Fiscal period - A month/year combination expressed in terms of a financial entity's fiscal year (as opposed to the calendar year). For example, if the calendar date of an accounting transaction is April 15, 2009, and the fiscal year begins in April, then the fiscal period is 1/2010. Likewise, if the transaction calendar date is March 15, 2009, the fiscal period is 12/2009.
- Fiscal year - Accounting period covering 12 consecutive months over which a financial entity determines income and profits. The fiscal year does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year.
- Ford GT - The fastest automobile, capable of registering speeds up to 216 mph, representative of a system that evolves over time, ever reaching new heights.
- Fulfillment - The act in which the selling organization meets its financial obligation of delivering the goods and services that have been ordered by a customer. In the case of a physical product, fulfillment occurs when the product is shipped or physically delivered to the customer.
- Function - In IQA, a function summarizes some characteristics of the current set of rows. The functions that are available depend on the data type of the column you selected.
- Fund - A legal entity within the organization with its own sets of books. It is a required component of iMIS Fundraising.

- General journal - Journal used to record journal entries other than those that are recorded in the Sales and Cash Receipts journal.
- General ledger - The final record of the transactions affecting an entity. The ledger contains one page for each account.
- General Platform - See Generic CRM-Based Software.
- Generic CRM-Based Software - Highly advertised general systems not designed for associations, very dependent on customizations and with links to third-party applications not useful to associations.
- General/lookup validation table - A table an administrator creates in the iMIS database that contains the valid values for a given field. See General lookup tables for more information.
- Gift - A payment of cash, cash equivalents, assets, or in-kind donations that has already been received.
- Gift item - A commerce item that has a suggested amount price, such as for a donation.
- GL account - An individual account within the Chart of Accounts that is used to record a financial amount in a journal entry.
- Global Payments - A global payments system is a means for companies and merchants across the world to send and receive payments in different currencies. In order to streamline the process and avoid hefty conversion fees, this is usually done by way of a global payment processor.
- Group - A method to organize contacts according to pertinent criteria such as chapters, interest groups, industry, or subscribers.
- Group member - A contact that is, has been, or will be a member of the particular group.
- Group member status - A potential membership stage or state within a detailed group.
- Group role - A classification of the way in which a group member participates in the group.
- Group type - A method of classifying similar groups for efficiency in setup and reporting. Default information is assigned to a group type, but can usually be changed at the individual group level.
- Guided performance scorecard - A feature in Reports which measures organizational performance. A report that provides a visual representation of association performance in several key areas including recruitment, engagement, and growth. This feature has been deprecated.

- Hard Costs - Direct costs of a system that can include upgrades, integrations and customizations — particularly related to the websites, mobility, social networking, e-commerce, private communities, self-service, and relationship management.

- ID - The numerical representation assigned to a customer or organization.
- Identity claim - A security function that describes a set of attributes about a user or other entity.
- Dynamic content items - Also known as iParts. The unique components of core iMIS functionality that can be placed together on a content page (similar to widgets). They are flexible, re-usable and powerful. Most core iMIS functionally is available as dynamic content items. It is an ASP.NET web part control designed for integration with iMIS that allows users to view and, in some cases, create and edit content.
- iMIS - ASI's flagship software product, used by more associations than any other product.
- iMIS EMS Platform - The latest version of the iMIS system — a purpose-built EMS with CRM functionality for associations that operates without a desktop presence. Among its many benefits are automatic updates.
- iMIS website - Any website that is installed or updated as part of the iMIS standard installation or upgrade process - Core sites and Quick Start Sites. Changes to these websites (including navigation and related content) are always overwritten by subsequent upgrades.
- iNNOVATIONS - ASI's yearly conference where ASI Staff, Partners and Clients meet to explore the latest company and iMIS product developments.
- Income - Revenue gained from sales of goods and services.
- Income account - The account number by which income amounts are recorded or recognized. The income account is maintained with the Profit and Loss set of accounts. The General Ledger account number to be credited with the fee charged for a particular class/function combination, for example, income or deferred-income account. This information is optional but should be entered if you are want transaction-level reports to print the appropriate account numbers.
- Initial requirements - Initial requirements are those requirements that a student must complete to earn initial certification. These can be used with a different set of requirements to maintain certification.
- In-kind donation - An in-kind donation is a type of non-cash contribution with market value, such as professional services, equipment, or supplies. It differs from an asset contribution because it can be expected to be used up within a year.
- Installment - One of a series of partial payments on an obligation over a period of time. For example, a quarterly installment is paid once every three months.
- Instance - An instance is a unique occurrence of a component, such as a specific class. An instance also is called a location.
- Instructor - An instructor is the person teaching or presenting a course or component.
- Invoice - An official object that itemizes all of the product charges and miscellaneous fees involved in a sales transaction. The invoice contains key reference data, such as the invoice number, invoice date, references to the originating order, customer information, and billing instructions.
- Invoice date - The date on which the invoice was issued or created, usually the date of product fulfillment. For an accrual invoice, the invoice date is the accounting transaction date for the related sales journal entry.
- Invoice distribution line - An object attached to a parent invoice line that carries related accounting information and represents the detailed invoice balance level to which all payments are applied. Individual invoice distribution lines are created for each income account that is used in booking the income for the parent invoice line.
- Invoice document - The printed or electronic invoice information sent to a customer.
- Invoice header - The portion of the invoice that contains general information about the invoice, such as the invoice number and date, customer information, and billing instructions.
- Invoice line - A sequentially numbered line in an invoice that represents the charges for an individual product line, or a partial quantity of a product line, that has been fulfilled, or a miscellaneous fee, such as taxes or shipping and handling. The extended amounts of all invoice lines should equal the grand total of an invoice.
- Invoice number - A unique, sequential number assigned to each invoice as the primary reference.
- IQA - Intelligent Query Architect. The query-building tool used to extract data from the iMIS database.
- Issue date - The five-character date of issue (mm/yy format) that is printed on certain European debit cards, used for authentication.
- Issue number - The one- or two-digit number that is printed on certain European debit cards, which indicate how many versions of the card have been issued to the cardholder. This value is used for authentication.
- Issuer - A trusted source for granting Claim Sets based on user authentication.
- Issuing financial institution - An issuing financial institution extends credit to a customer through credit card accounts or provides electronic account debiting through debit cards. The issuing financial institution issues a credit card and bills the consumer against the credit card account. An issuing financial institution is also referred to as the cardholder’s financial institution or issuer.
- Item - Generic term for commerce objects. For example, an event item, a dues/billing item, or a gift item. Items can be grouped into item sets.
- Item class - The method to assign the default GL accounts, tax schedule, standard discount percentage, and other settings to be used for a type of commerce item, such as Chapter Products or National Events.
- Item set - A collection of commerce items with related options and rules. For example, an event plus required functions, a product bundle, or a collection of membership and other fees.
- Item showcase - A display of information about a commerce item. The showcase can contain all information and images for the item or can link to other pages.
- Item type - A general kind of simple commerce item, usually used to differentiate a gift (donation) with a suggested amount from a commerce item with a set price.
- Itinerary - A list of functions a person has chosen for an event. The itinerary can contain an informal choice of functions (pre-registration itinerary) or a formal registration, if required (post-registration itinerary).

- Join date - Date on which an individual became a member of a group.
- Joins - In IQA, the relationships between data used in query definition. Joins specify which fields are equivalent so the data is associated correctly.
- Joint requirements - Joint requirements are those that a student might use if the student is enrolled in two programs.
- Journal - Business diary in which all financial data pertaining to the day-to-day business transactions of an organization is recorded. From the journal, debit and credit changes caused by each transaction will be posted to the designated accounts in the general ledger.

- Kit - A product set of two or more components (items or services) that are sold for a single price. Kits are often used to present a group of items as a bundled, discounted product. In addition, kits are a useful method to distribute the costs of individual items (components) among multiple income areas for accounting purposes.

- Ledger card - Shows the record of the transactions related to the individual currently selected.
- Learning Organization - A commercial entity dedicated to advancing its staff and constituents by creating a learning environment and continually encouraging and incentivizing participation in it.
- Liability - Claim against the assets or legal obligations of a person or organization. Liabilities include amounts owed to lenders and suppliers, amounts received in advance for a future sale or for a future service to be performed (unearned or deferred income).
Debt or financial obligations owed to creditors. - Line item - Individual dues or subscription line associated with a specific customer or subscriber.
- Linked function - Linking functions is a one-way shortcut for data entry by which registering for a primary function automatically registers for all linked functions, that is, selecting the parent selects the children.
- Linked product - Associates a parent or primary product with a child or secondary product. When exhibitors order a primary (parent) product, iMIS automatically adds the linked child product to the order.
- List as - An alternative way to list a contributor when the contributor does not want to be acknowledged by name. For example, the contributor might want their gift or pledge listed as:
- in the name of
- the family of
- anonymous
- List billing - The generation of a single renewal notice to a Bill To third party, such as a company that will be responsible for paying the fees for multiple customers or subscribers.

- Maintenance requirements - Maintenance requirements are the requirements a student must complete to maintain certification after initial certification is obtained. Maintenance requirements typically must be completed repeatedly over specific time periods.
- Mapping - Translates one value into another. For example, iMIS might translate (map) a virtual address to a physical address.
- Marked for erasure - Indicates that all personal data associated with a contact's record will be erased from the iMIS database, unless the erasure process is cancelled.
- Member responsive site - An out-of-the-box iMIS site that renders a version of the Member site that is optimized for Responsive Web Design. This version is formatted to be accessed across a variety of devices, and respond dynamically to the variations in device screen sizes. This site is accessible by your association members and by your staff who are working remotely or with a mobile device.
- Memorial - A gift or pledge made in memory of someone.
- Merchant account - The account that collects the funds from a credit card or debit card transaction. The merchant account receives the funds after the capture is complete.
- Method of receipt - Indicates whether a purchased item will be shipped to the customer or the customer carries the item out. The method of receipt effects which taxes should be applied.
- Modern System - A software product like iMIS EMS centered around engagement and designed to foster Continuous Performance Improvement. iMIS is the only EMS — Engagement Management System — for associations.
- Monetary application - The link between an invoice distribution line with another object, such as a payment, a payment reversal, or an adjusting invoice, that is applied towards decreasing or increasing the balance of the distribution line. In most cases, a monetary application represents the amount of a payment that is applied towards an individual invoice distribution line.
- Multi-entity - For accounting purposes, multi-entity enables you to use distinct financial entities, for which separate accounting statements are prepared, for different purposes within iMIS modules.
- Multi-function event- An event that incorporates multiple break-out sessions, social events, networking brown bags, or other functions which a registrant can attend.
- Multiple entities - For account purposes, defining more than one individual or organization for which accounting statements are prepared. For example, an association might need to assign certain amounts to a nonprofit entity and other accounts to a for-profit entity.

- Net income - Total income in an accounting period, less all expenses during the same period. If income taxes are not deducted, it is called operating profit (or loss). Also called earnings, net earnings, or net profit.
- Notice specific text - Refers to the additional text that can be printed on the initial, first or second billing and reminder notices.
- Notification - The acknowledgment sent to the Notify IDs (family, business associates, and friends) when a gift or pledge is made in memory of or in tribute to their family member, business associate, or friend.
- Notify ID - A family member, business associate, or friend of an individual who is being memorialized or honored. Notify IDs will be notified when a gift or pledge is made in memory of or as a tribute to the honoree.

- Object - In IQA, the self-contained element that consists of instructions to manipulate data. For example, a business object or query object.
- On behalf of - Performing an action in place of another person.
- On order - The quantity of a product on order with a vendor or supplier.
- One Source of Truth - The data requirement that must be there to enable correct decision making. Data must be accurate and comprehensive coming from every aspect of the system, including finance and activity history. Data must be up to date and easily accessible. Data must be secure and PCI-compliant.
- Open credit - The portion of any payment that is in the unrestricted, unapplied state. An open credit can be applied toward new or existing order or open invoices.
- Open invoice - An invoice with an unpaid balance.
- Open item - Any item with a non-zero debit or credit balance.
- Open order - An order that is not 100% fulfilled.
- Operation - A well-known system function, such as Create, Read, Update, or Delete that can be performed for a specified resource within the application.
- Order - A customer request to purchase one or more products.
- Order processing stages - Steps orders must go through until the orders are complete. The number and type of order processing stages an order goes through depends on the setup of the order type. Different order types require different order processing stages. Examples or order processing stages include:
- Convert quotes
- Print shipping papers
- Ship orders
- Invoice orders
- Order types - Determine how orders are processed. All orders are entered as a specific order type.
- Organization - Name for company-type contact record.

- Page Builder - A content management tool that allows organizations to build and manage pages of text, multimedia files, and iMIS content items; used for building web pages comprising content items in the Content Gallery. Formerly known as Content Designer.
- Paid Thru - Refers to the expiration date of the membership or subscription, or the period through which the customer has paid. It is always the last day of the month.
- Pay priority - In commerce, the order in which payments are applied to invoice line items.
- Payer contact - The party that made the payment (officially owns the bank account or credit card being used for the payment). The payer contact is normally, but not always, the same as the bill to contact.
- Payment - A sum of money paid.
- Payment alternative - A category of payment instructions which are provided in lieu of a traditional payment, such as Bill Me, Bill My Company, or Application of Open Credit. Payment alternatives do not create a new payment object when processed or posted.
- Payment date - The date when a payment was deposited into the bank account. The payment date will always be assigned as the accounting transaction date for the related cash receipts journal entry.
- Payment instructions - Information collected and/or derives by the system that indicates how a financial obligation will be met.
- Payment method - The allowable method of payment a customer can use and the bank account into which the payment should be deposited. The payment method might specify the general type of payment (credit card, cash, check), or it might specify a specific type of payment (VISA, MasterCard).
- Payment method set - The collection of pre-defined payment methods that are allowed for a particular commerce transaction process.
- Payment reversal - A complete or partial reversal of an original payment stemming from a credit card refund, a bad check, or a credit card charge back.
- Payment schedule - The amount due and due date for payments, in accordance with the payment terms.
- Payment schedule due date - The date by which the payment for an invoice balance must be received. The due date is typically calculated as a certain number of days from the invoice date, in accordance with the payment terms.
- Payment terms - The period of time allowed to pay for the goods and services that have been ordered. Payment terms might include standard terms (such as Net 30) or a specified payment schedule.
- Payment type -The highest-level category of payments such as Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card, or Bill Me. The payment type defines the required information to be entered for payment instructions and how the payment transaction should be processed
- Performance Improvement Advisory Service - ASI’s workshop and collection of tools for assuring clients that they are on a path of Continuous Performance Improvement.
- Performance Improvement Preview - An advance look at how ASI’s Success Partnership Program can guide an association to take steps that will put it on a path of Continuous Performance Improvement.
- Personalized Web Experience - The ability to deliver automatically different content suitable to different profile groups or individuals.
- PIAS - See Performance Improvement Advisory Service.
- Pledge - A contribution to be made sometime in the future that has not yet been received. A pledge can be a one-time contribution or can be made in installments over time.
- Posting - In batches, the procedure that updates accounts with specific transaction amounts or transfers temporary transactions to permanent records (appropriate accounts in the general ledger).
- Premium - An incentive gift that a donor might receive for a gift or pledge, such as a coffee mug or T-shirt, in recognition of the contribution. A premium is a distribution with an assigned market value.
- Prepayment - A payment that accompanies an order or is made in advance. The prepaid amount is recorded in an Unearned Income liability account until the ordered products are fulfilled and the payment is applied to the associated invoices.
- Prerequisites - Prerequisites are the requirements a student must complete before the student can enroll in a certification program.
- Price sheet - A set of product prices and price calculation rules assigned to customers or orders of a certain type.
- Priority - In IQA, the order in which the data for a particular column is started.
- Pro forma order - An order initially treated as a price quote that might result in a sales order at a later date.
- Process manager - Process manager helps to optimize opportunities presented to an organization, build ongoing relationships, and manage processes assigned to individuals or groups. Process manager provides the means to analyze, forecast, and report on those efforts.
- Product - An item or service that your organization offers for sale to its customers.
- Product adjustments - Adjustments to inventory due to breakage, pilferage, giveaways, or physical inventory count differences.
- Product category - Additional or customized text that can be printed over or on top of the preset renewal notices with the standard report elements printed underneath. It behaves similarly to how a transparency would lay on top of a paper.
- Product codes - Refers to a unique code that identifies a product that will be billed, or for which an organization collects money.
- Product conflicts - Strategy for ensuring that companies exhibiting similar products do not exhibit in the same area. Product conflicts are managed by defining proximity areas and only assigning booths to companies exhibiting certain products in those areas.
- Product kit - A group of products sold as a single unit for a single price.
- Product receipts - Receipts record products received in inventory.
- Product transfers - Transfers allow you to transfer a product's inventory from warehouse to warehouse.
- Products - A defined commerce item.
- Program - A program is the set of requirements a student must complete to achieve certification. A program might also have multiple parts, such as a set of initial requirements to obtain certification and another set of requirements to maintain the certification. You also can specify a specific date by which a program must be completed.
- Program groups - An association of multiple certification or experience programs together, requiring one program to be a prerequisite for another program.
- Program item - A single session or activity within an event for which you need to assign fees or track attendees. A program item can range from breakout sessions and educational workshops to social events, such as golf tournaments, banquets, and tours.
- Prorating - Allocating or assigning an amount to an activity or product that is proportional to some base (determine by a formula or procedure).
- Provider - A provider is the individual or company who sponsors a component instance, such as a class or course.

- Query - User-defined criteria used to retrieve a subset of data.
- Quick start sites - Out-of-the-box iMIS websites that are easily copied in order to create customized sites for an organization. Sites include Member Responsive, Donor, Annual Conference, and Annual Conference Mobile. These ready-to-go sites and site templates get you up and running in hours, instead of weeks or months. Formerly known as Sample Sites.

- Record - A record is an individual unit within a table that consists of a collection of fields, which are consistent in number and type from one record to the next. For example, there is separate record for each individual or company whose information is contained in iMIS. Records are sometimes referred to as table rows.
- Recruit, Engage, Measure and Grow - The cycle of activities important to every association advanced by the Continuous Performance Improvement Machine that is the iMIS product.
- Registrant - An individual that has formally registered to attend a particular event, typically by submitting a registration form along with payment of any registration fees. An individual registrant might not necessarily be a customer of the association holding the event or have a record in the customer database.
- Registrant class - A broad group of registrants that enables you to process and handle registrants according to category. Class categories let you assign different fees for members and nonmembers, print badges separately (such as color coding), and subdivide summary reports into meaningful registrant classes.
- Registrant information - Personal information including, but not limited to, registrant name, address, title and association affiliation. This information is used for reporting, and can also be used for event badges.
- Registration - The recording of those signed up for an event or function, as opposed to those who actually attended (see Attendance). Because of no-shows, registration figures will usually be higher than attendance figures.
- Registration option - The classes of registration set up for an event. These can be arranged by membership type, payment status, or time of registration.
- Registration status - The current state of relationship between a person and an event or function.
- Registration type - Designation of an event's requirement for registration or fee.
- Relation - In IQA, the part of a query definition that specifies a relationship between two or more sources, which effectively creates a new temporary table against which the query is run.
- Relationship - A method for establishing a logical connection between two customers in the database.
- Renewal invoice - An invoice generated by the selling organization to request that the customer repurchase or renew a subscription or membership service. The renewal invoice data is generated directly and is not connected to the fulfillment of an order.
- Renewal notice
- Accounting - Document that is frequently sent to a customer, rather than a renewal invoice. The renewal notice is typically used in cash basis accounting systems to document the renewal or continuation of a subscription or membership.
- Membership - Refers to the request for renewal or continuation of a membership or subscription beyond the current expiration (Paid Thru) date.
- Renewed thru - Refers to the projected Paid Thru date for an overall membership. It is the term-ending date through which the customer has been billed, whether or not payment has been received.
- Reporting - A set of tools in iMIS that can be used for a wide range of tasks. Reports span a broad range of outputs, for all of the iMIS modules, including rosters, status summaries, letters, badges, and statistical reports.
- Request - A record of a specific request for a donation. A request is recorded at the time the request occurs, such as when you mail a letter or make a telephone call asking for a donation. Entering a request activity can speed the entry of a resulting donation.
- Resource
- A type of equipment, an individual, or some other asset needed to perform a task or service at an event function. Within iMIS Events, resources refer to both specific and categorical groupings used to describe room setup and planning needs.
- An application object that exposes properties and methods to allow users to interact. In claims-based security, such resources are assumed to be secured.
- Resource group - A logical group of related resources that share a common set of claims. Such groupings simplify the need for assigning and checking for required claim sets.
- RFM - A measure of the participation of contacts and prospects in the following:
- Recency - Period of time in days or months that has elapsed since the last transaction between a contact and an organization.
- Frequency - Number of times a contact has transacted with an organization.
- Monetary - Value of a contact's transactions with an organization.
- RFM report - Ranks and organizes contacts and prospects into specific groups according to the relative recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM) scores of their transactions.
- RiSE - The website content management system that is a native, integral part of iMIS.
- Roster - A report listing registrants for events and/or individual functions within an event. This is different from the Company Roster which is shown in the Customer Portfolio.
- Rotating requirements - Rotating requirements are requirements that must be completed repeatedly for the student to maintain certification.

- Sales journal - Journal for first entry of sales invoices issued to customers for goods supplied or services rendered. Entries from this journal are posted to individual customer accounts. The totals are posted to the general ledger as a debit to accounts receivable and a credit to income.
- Schema - The structure of a database.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - The process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's natural search results. iMIS users can customize their websites using tags, article titles, quality content, and intuitive links to maximize their SEO.
- Search index - A database, used by an index server running on a web server, that is updated by the publishing process and is used for quickly retrieving weighted results for website searches and in the compilation of output for tagged list content.
- Security administration - Provides options for administering user records and the roles you can associate with user records.
- Security groups - Control which iMIS features group members can see, and which capabilities within each feature group members can use. Security groups are defined in the user record.
- Security roles - Grant specific administrative privileges to user records. For example, one security role might let you use and edit an iMIS definition object in the Document System, while another security role might let you use that object but not edit, or even see, its properties.
- Segmentation - Groups contacts and prospects into targeted audiences to show demographics and behavioral patterns
- Settlement - The process in which an electronic credit card transaction is settled between your acquiring financial institution and the customer’s credit card-issuing financial institution. Your acquiring financial institution credits your account for the credit card sale and the sale is posted to the customer’s credit card account.
- Shopping cart - A tentative commerce transaction data set that exists for any new commerce transaction until checkout and order submission. The cart might contain products added to the cart, adjustments processed, and the list of open invoices selected for payment. Items can be added, edited, or removed from the cart at any stage before submission.
- Shortcut URL - iMIS-supported ability to define a friendly, easy to remember URL (for example,,, that redirects to a specific page. These can be created for any website, and can link to a URL or content record. Shortcuts frequently access system pages such as SignIn, EventDisplay, ItemDisplay, AccountPage. They are provided out-of-the-box, and can be edited, but not deleted.
- Simple event - An event with no functions. A simple event can be for information only (no registration required) or can require registration.
- Simple group - A group with no assigned roles or date limits.
- Simple item - A commerce item that has a single price.
- Site Builder - A website and navigation management RiSE tool that allows organizations to establish one or more websites, create navigation menus and connect navigation to content; The tool used for building and managing websites.
- Sitemap - A zero-based hierarchy of navigation within and between websites. There is one sitemap per website. This feature enables:
- Different navigation for different user groups – within the same website (for example, Staff/Authenticated/Unauthenticated)
- Map navigation to different content for different user groups
- Override behavior of shared content (content items) when accessed through specific navigation
- Override ContentArea source folder (look & feel elements)
- Smart Billing - The ability of a system to handle complex billing scenarios. Smart Billing can only be accomplished if all necessary data and activity history exists in a single system.
- Soft credit - A term used to describe a behind-the-scenes individual who helped obtain the gift or pledge, but who is not listed as the donor. Contrast soft credit with the contributor or hard credit (the individual who receives the actual credit for the gift or pledge).
- Soft Costs - Indirect, associated costs.
- Solicitor - An individual other than the donor responsible for obtaining a specific pledge or gift.
- Sort - Dictates the order in which the details are to be displayed or printed in a list or on a report.
- Source - In IQA, an object that is available for building query definitions. Sources include both business objects and query objects. Query definitions can be created based on one or more sources.
- Source query - The original query or business object from which a new query is run.
- Split gift - A gift or pledge that is distributed among more than one fund or that is split within a fund.
- SPP - See Success Partnership Program.
- Success Partnership Program - ASI's unique thought leadership systematic approach to guiding associations to determine what system aspects they need to continually advance towards their goals. SPP identifies your most pressing problems, helps you get organized, saves you time and money, lowers your risk of investing in the wrong technology assets, and keeps you from being disappointed once again because you did not achieve the expected return on your investment.
- Staff site - Offers an easy, cloud-based, convenient way for staff to manage association business from the web. Staff can complete transactions and updates for contacts, assist in renewal, registration, and purchasing. The site also allows staff users to run reports, create and manage events, and utilize the robust RiSE tools, all on the way to moving to a fully web-based system.
- Standard invoice - Document issued by a seller to a buyer detailing goods and services sold. Also called a bill of sale or contract of sale, it identifies the trading parties, the assigned invoice number, and the invoice date. It also lists, describes, and quantifies the items sold, shows the date of shipment and mode of transport, lists prices and discounts (if any), and shows delivery and payment terms.
- Standard report - Pre-set iMIS report formats including rosters, labels, and statistical reports. Most standard reports allow you to select which records you want, and most let you override the sort order. However, you might be limited to the amount of control you have over the format or layout of the report.
- Stock item - A product marked as a stock item allows tracking inventory and recording cost of goods sold, inventory, and accounting entries.
- Submit - The process of sending deferred credit card or debit card transactions to a gateway for authorization.
- Subscriber - Individual, either customer or non-customer, who has purchased a product of a cyclical nature having a fixed term which can be renewed or repurchased upon term expiration.
- Subsidiary ledger - A ledger that contains a group of related detail accounts whose total is shown in a controlling account in the GL.
- System administrator - A user with complete access and privileges.
Note: ASI does not publish database schema.
The schema changes regularly as ASI adds new features to iMIS. Clients should use Cloud-friendly development practices to interact with iMIS data; this includes programming using the iMIS API, as well as using business objects and IQA queries to read iMIS data.
As the database schema is subject to change due to ongoing development, using iMIS tools to work with iMIS data protects from schema changes that can result in process breaks or corrupt data.

- Tag - Keyword or category name used to classify website information.
- Tagged list - Listing of content tagged with a specific keyword and, optionally, related tags. A content item which aggregates content pages that contain specified tags and satisfy other defined criteria into a display list. The tagged list definition includes an association with a tagged list format that defines how the aggregated content will be displayed.
- Tagged list format - An iMIS definition object that contains information for how a tagged list content item should display details for each content page that is displayed by the tagged list.
- Tagging - When a content author tags a content page, the tag is added to the metadata for the content page and to the website's search index. This facilitates the inclusion of the content page in website searches and tagged lists displayed on other content pages.
- Tagging hierarchy - Visual means of displaying relationships between content tags.
- Target contact - The person on whose behalf you are performing an action.
- Tax authority - A jurisdiction or geographical area to which a set of specific taxing rules apply.
- Tax category - General collection of items that have common taxation rules.
- Tax schedule - All tax authorities that apply to a particular situation, such as:
- Purchaser
- Location
- Item class
- Individual item
Also, the order in which taxes are calculated when more than one tax applies.
- Third-Party Application Exchange - A select collection of Cloud-ready third-party applications useful to associations with data output deeply integrated with the iMIS product.
- Traditional AMS Systems - The standard, age-old AMS models, lacking the design of a modern EMS platform, with its innate ability to retain and attract members.
- Traditional payment - A category of payment instructions that, when processed, creates a new payment when the order is fulfilled. Traditional payments include Cash, Check and Credit Card.
- Transaction - An event or condition that is recorded in asset, liability, expense, revenue, and/or equity accounts.
- Transaction record - A record containing information entered by the user to cause a change to a file. This change is any kind of transfer between the accounting entity and an outside party.
- Tribute - A gift or pledge made to recognize an individual's service to an organization, cause, or some other entity.
- Trustworthy Data - Data that is accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive and easily accessible — the basis of effective decision making.

- Unauthenticated user - A user who has not logged in.
- Unearned income - A liability that is recorded when assets are received before the order is fulfilled. Unearned income can be due to:
- a payment in advance of products or services being supplied
- an unidentified payment
- an overpayment
- a duplicate payment
- a return or cancellation of products or services involved in an early pre-paid sale
- Units - Units are the number value assigned to a component or category in order to measure when the student completes the component or category.
- Unposted transaction - Any order, invoice, or payment that has been recorded but remains in a tentative state. While in the unposted state, the transaction can be easily changed or deleted without generating an audit trail of the change.
- User account - The account that is debited after an authorized credit card or debit card transaction is captured.
- User Agility - The ability of non-technical users to operate system aspects traditionally handled by programmers.
- User-defined field - A method to add metadata to content and to filter search results.

- Void - A deleted payment transaction. The transaction can then be replaced with a new transaction.

- Waitlist - A list of registrants who are queued in hope of attending a function that has already reached its attendance limit. Wait-list members might be allowed to attend the function if the attendance limit is changed, if additional sessions are added, or if other registrants cancel their registrations for the function.
- Waitlisting - A strategy that allows an exhibitor to be placed on a waiting list to purchase an unavailable booth or other exposition product. Exhibitors placed on a wait list have the opportunity to buy the exposition product when it does become available due to an order cancellation or expansion of the floor plan.
- WebFormZ - A third-party form process building tool for iMIS20, handled by its developer, Infinity. See Infinity's website for more information.
- Webhook - A webhook is an HTTP-based callback function that allows lightweight, event-driven communication between two application programming interfaces (APIs).
- Website - A public-facing, easy-to-create site that fully utilizes content items and SOA.
- Defines a front-end URL for targeted users
- Provides a unique look & feel (branding)
- Restricts access to specific users/groups
- Provides a unique navigation structure
- Workflow - Automatic processes that are executed without human intervention. Each has an ownership structure, are related to a specific parent object, like an order, complaint, and so on, have a set of tasks that must be executed according to business rules.
- Workbook Converter - The iMIS Workbook Converter is a tool that reads and converts contact data from Excel spreadsheets, or a workbook, into iMIS. See Using the Workbook Converter for more information.
- Write-off - Removal of the outstanding value of an invoice that is deemed uncollectible or that carries a trivial positive or negative balance. The result of the write-off transaction is to bring the invoice balance to zero. In the case of an accrual invoice, the amount written off is charged against the net income by recording either a bad debt expense or an adjustment to income.