Navigation areas

Each out-of-the-box template supports the four default navigation areas (Primary, Secondary, Auxiliary, and Footer). If you select any navigation area for use in a website besides these four defaults, you must ensure that the template used by the website contains the elements needed to support that navigation area.

iMIS can support a maximum of 30 navigation areas, and each navigation area must have a unique Name.

Warning! Avoid deleting a navigation area, because doing so will remove it from the entire system, which affects all iMIS RiSE websites in the system. When you delete a navigation area, all navigation items that are currently defined to be displayed in that area will still appear in that navigation area in rendered website pages. The master page contains a framework for the navigation area, and published navigation items still contain the properties that make them be displayed in the deleted navigation area. The navigation area will not completely disappear from all of your rendered websites until you edit and save every navigation item in the system that currently uses it.

When defining a navigation area, the following properties are displayed:

  • Navigation Pane Code – (read only) Specifies a unique identifier that must be used in the Utility Navigation iPart.
  • Static Display Levels – Specifies how many levels of the sitemap hierarchy (which is zero-based) to display by default in this navigation area, based on the value of the Starting Level field. For example, if this value is set to 2 and Starting Level is set to 3, then the third and fourth levels below the sitemap root are displayed in the navigation area.
  • Only navigation items that are active and not hidden are displayed. Controlled respectively by the fields This navigation item is active and This navigation item is hidden, both of which are located the Options section of the definition for a navigation item.

  • Dynamic Display Levels – Specifies how many additional levels in the sitemap hierarchy to display when the lowest level of the range specified in Static Display Levels is expanded.
  • Only navigation items that are active and not hidden are displayed. Controlled respectively by the checkboxes This navigation item is active and This navigation item is hidden, both of which are located in the Options section of the definition for a navigation item.

    Note: This value is not used by the Utility Navigation iPart.

  • Starting Level – Specifies the level of the sitemap hierarchy (which is zero-based) that constitutes the first (initial) level of the Static Display Levels field. The value 1 corresponds to the first level immediately beneath the sitemap root (~). For example, if this value is set to 3 and Static Display Levels is set to 2, then the third and fourth levels below the sitemap root are displayed in the navigation area.
  • Note: This value is currently ignored by the following ASI-developed controls for rendering content areas: asi:PageNav, asi:PageNavR, asi:PageSubNav, and asiweb:NavigationList. As a result, this field has no effect on navigation area behavior in the current release.

Administering navigation areas

You can add new navigation areas to the system, delete existing navigation areas, or edit properties on existing navigation areas. Do the following:

  1. From the Staff site, go to RiSE > Maintenance > Navigation areas.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Add a new navigation area:
      1. Click Add new navigation area.
      2. In the Navigation Pane window, enter a Name for the navigation area.
      3. Note: The Name cannot be Primary, Secondary, Auxiliary, or Footer; those are protected names of the four default navigation areas.

      4. Enter values for the Static Display Levels, Dynamic Display Levels, and the Starting Level.
      5. Click Save.
    •  Edit an existing navigation area:
      1. Select a navigation area for editing.
      2. In the Navigation Pane window, edit the values for Name, Static Display Levels, Dynamic Display Levels or Starting Level.
      3. Note: Unless editing a default navigation area, the Name cannot be Primary, Secondary, Auxiliary, or Footer; those are protected names of the four default navigation areas.

      4. Click Save.
    • Delete an existing navigation area:
      1. Click the Delete this item icon to delete the navigation area. You are asked if you want to Delete this item?
      2. Click OK.