Finance videos

These videos will teach you how to do everything finance related in iMIS! Setting up payment gateways, managing transactions, accounting, taxation, you name it!

See ASI Training for official training information!


Finance Overview


Making payments to open invoices

Adjusting and reversing membership invoices

Adjusting and reversing order invoices

Pay invoice links

Customizing the payment confirmation email

Sending invoice payment links

Paying invoices as a guest and reviewing payment information

Customizing the website content for guest invoice payments

Stripe gateway

Getting started with the Stripe gateway

Stripe gateway: Setting up US ACH payments

Stripe gateway: Setting up UK Direct Debit payments

Stripe gateway: Setting up AU BECS payments

Stripe gateway: Setting up SEPA Direct Debits

Global Payments gateway

Getting started with Global Payments- AP

Getting started with Global Payments- NA


Creating a new payment method

Searching for payments

Finding iMIS payments in the Ezidebit portal

Viewing payment details

Reversing a payment

Refunding a payment

Transferring a payment

Unapplying and reapplying a payment

Using Pay Later

Applying partial payments

Applying Prepayments

Applying an open credit

Backdating cash and check transactions

Understanding and reviewing failed payments

Creating and using a custom payment receipt

Testing payments


Exporting general ledger transactions

General Ledger hierarchy

Setting up due to/due from processing

Printing contact account statements

Printing trial balance reports


Batches: Overview & Best Practices

Configuring the batch mode

Switching between batches

Creating, posting, and deleting batches

Modifying the batch status and reopening a posted batch

Adding additional queries to the batches window

Exporting batches and running the batch reports


Configuring AutoPay

Using the 'Retrieve processed payments from Pay Central' scheduled task

Sending confirmation emails for recurring payments enrollments and cancellations

Automating the recurring donation process for staff users

Deferred income

Understanding and enabling deferred income processing

Processing deferred income transactions


Configuring iMIS for VAT

Tax by zip code

Importing zip codes for tax codes

Asia-Pacific taxation (GSTINC) - Setting up iMIS for GSTINC taxation

Asia-Pacific taxation (GSTINC) - Applying GSTINC to events, commerce orders, and membership billings

Setting up Canadian taxation (GST/HST)

Implementing Canadian taxation for commerce transactions

Implementing Canadian taxation for events

Canadian taxation example: New Brunswick (HST only)

Canadian taxation example: British Columbia (GST & PST)

US taxation

Settings and configuration

Defining default financial accounts and entities

Configuring financial settings