Membership videos

These videos will teach you how to set up Membership, manage chapters, renew members, and customize the membership renewal page.

For information about Membership training classes, see iMIS Training.


Membership Overview

Batches & Invoices

Adjusting and reversing membership invoices

Making a correction to a membership invoice that has already been paid

Setting up membership

Defining customer types

Creating a customer type and billing cycle

Creating a non-dues billing cycle

Creating billing products

Creating flexible membership terms (multi-year billing)

Defining prorating rules


Joining and managing chapters

Assigning chapters by zip code

Importing zip codes for chapters


Setting up Join Now for organizations: Part 1

Setting up Join Now for organizations: Part 2

Creating a Join Now page for prospective members


Billing for membership fees

Generating renewal reminders

Generating a renewal for a single contact

List billing

Managing expired members

Renewing a member paying by check

Allowing members to renew in advance

Cancelling & Adjusting

Cancelling a renewal for a member

Overriding prices and term dates on subscription items

Deleting subscription records

Changing member types

Correcting membership renewal billings (rebill)

Member website content

Customizing the membership renewal page