Product Comparison: iMIS 100 & EMS Enterprise

This table outlines the main feature and functionality differences between iMIS EMS Enterprise and iMIS 100.


✓included || + optional

  EMS Enterprise iMIS 100

crm + data management

Contact management Manage contact, address, and demographic information for individuals, organizations, or groups.
Address verification Verify addresses at the point of entry. Automatically verify and clean address information.

Duplicate Merge

Standard — Find, merge, and clean duplicate records.
Premium — Review all potential duplicate record pairs. Determine which records to retain, which records to merge into the retained records, and which records to mark as Not Duplicates. +

Individuals & Organizations


Individuals only

Online profile Allow constituents to manage their profile and transaction history.
Online directory Allow constituents to access and manage their own profile information and create a searchable online directory based on a variety of criteria and with varying levels of permission-based security.
Volunteer management
  • Recruit, schedule, and track volunteer activity.
  • Manage, assign, and track volunteer hours.
Company Administrator Standard — Allow an individual to manage organization or committee rosters and conduct transactions for colleagues, as well as manage their chapter or organization information.
Premium — Allow an individual to manage chapter rosters and conduct transactions for chapter members. + +
iMIS for Clubs Easily manage Club organizations from the Staff site or the Club Staff site. This includes household management, attendance tracking, parent portal access, recurring event programs, club dashboards, club reports, and starter website templates. N/A
Company Administrator for more than one company A contact can be the company administrator (known as group administrator in iMIS 100) to multiple companies, even if they are not a member of the company. Once a user has been given the Company Administrator role, they can assign it to other members within the contacts list.
Contact importer The contact importer allows you to import contact (individuals and organizations) data directly into the Staff site. The contact importer accepts new contacts and provides the option to create an account for new contacts upon import. You can also use the contact importer to update or add to an existing contact's account. N/A
Organization flowdown Settings that offer you the ability to flow down a contact’s organization’s information to their account, for example, if the organization changes their address, the contact’s address will be updated, too. N/A
Relationships You can easily create a link between two contacts to display their relationship to one another. The relationships you define show up on the record of both contacts, and you can specify roles for them.
Granular contact security using Module Authorization Levels

Module authorization levels determine what functionality the staff user has access to in the Staff site.

Granular contact security using Contact Authority Groups (CAGs) Creating content authority groups help control who has access to edit specific areas of content within iMIS. Content authority groups contain several group roles that allow for different content permissions.
Activity tasks Staff users can assign follow-up activity tasks for other staff users or themselves as reminders to perform certain actions. For example, you can remind an event coordinator to call an event attendee by creating a call reminder activity task assigned to the event coordinator. The activity task will then generate an alert that appears on the event attendee's profile page that only the event coordinator can see. N/A
Groups Dynamic groups control many of the iMIS 100 workflows in membership. Dynamic groups are still available in iMIS EMS, but they are used in conjunction with many other iMIS EMS membership features.

Migrating from iMIS 100 to EMS: Groups & Membership

Membership Management

Membership fees Manage individual or company memberships and membership fees for multi-tiered, variable-duration, and other complicated membership models.

with Membership bundle

+ with Fundraising bundle

Online membership Create an online join or renewal page using a configurable template. You can allow your members to join or renew their membership online or through a mobile device.
Chapters and committees Track and manage current and historical chapter and committee membership and participation.
Adjusting membership invoice line items Adjust a single line item in a membership invoice.

with Membership bundle

+ with Fundraising bundle

Using Expression Builder to customize pricing The iMIS Expression Builder is a powerful tool within Business Object Designer that allows you to create complex expressions. These expressions can be used in a billing product's special pricing rule for price evaluation. N/A
Create membership products with negative amounts Billing products with a Type of Miscellaneous Items (MISC) can be configured with negative amounts. N/A

List billing

List billing enables an organization to be directly billed for their members' membership fees. N/A
Issue renewal notifications Renewal notices are communications that are sent to members, reminding them that their fees are due soon. N/A
Allow members to renew before invoices are generated (renew in advance) Members can renew their memberships in advance, allowing them to renew their membership term before their bill is issued. The renewal is for the same membership type, and the point in time in which they are eligible to renew their membership is a time specified during configuration. N/A
Adjusting memberships outside of the renewal process (mid-term changes) Mid-term changes to subscription (membership fees) and non-dues subscription items apply to any product in the billing cycle, such as dues, chapters, sections, subscriptions, and voluntary or miscellaneous items. These items can be adjusted or cancelled on an item-by-item basis outside of the renewal process. N/A
Offer promotion codes for new joins and renew in advance Offer promotion codes to give discounted prices for memberships. N/A
Membership Configuration Wizard Use the Membership Configuration Wizard to set up and continually modify the essential components of iMIS membership from one location. N/A
Membership management All iMIS 100 memberships are created using groups. In iMIS EMS, there are no membership groups; instead, there are customer types, billing cycles, and billing products. Migrating from iMIS 100 to EMS: Groups & Membership

Website Management

Site Builder Manage multiple websites and allow chapters or affiliates to manage their own websites.
Page Builder Build sophisticated web pages with a WYSWIG editor and configurable out-of-the-box content items, such as menus, lists, charts, user profiles, and more.
Content tagging Use your organization's specific terms, audiences, and concepts to deliver targeted web content.
Intelligent Query Architect Create complex queries and export the results in a variety of formats.
Expression Builder Create custom expressions within business object properties.
Panel sources management Manage panel editor sources outside of the panel definition. N/A
Translation Translate fields, menus, screens, and web pages into different languages. + N/A
Content Items (iParts)
  • Contact Attendance Editor
  • Event Check In
  • Program Item Occurrences Display
  • Gift Aid Claim Manager
  • Group Full Roster
  • Group Mini Roster
  • Household Editor
  • Owned Item List
  • Uniform Item Context
  • Club Check-In
Business Objects

Consult the table to identify the equivalent of the iMIS 100 business object in iMIS EMS.

Migrating from iMIS 100 to EMS: Business Object Differences

Integration Tools

iMIS Marketplace ASI's global network of authorized iMIS product partners and solution providers develop hundreds of best-of-breed add-ons applications and integrations to complement the iMIS EMS platform.
REST API iMIS EMS includes a modern REST API optimized for integrating to cloud-based solutions. Our industry-leading API is fully documented.
Authorized iMIS product partners We partner with select software vendors based on client demand to provide tight integration to popular best-in-show solutions. Product partners receive priority integration support, exclusive access to API resources and production roadmaps, and ASI validation and approval to write back to the iMIS database ("push" capability).

✓included || + optional

  EMS Enterprise iMIS 100

Event Management

Event management Manage the planning, logistics, communication and registration for events of all types and sizes.
Online events Create online event pages or microsites to enable your constituents to register and access event details including locations, agenda, registrant directory, X (Twitter) feed, and more.
Specifying resources/plans Add event resources to an event, such as information on room arrangements, equipment, speakers, and support staff. Detailed plans can be printed and sent to hotel staff or other personnel in charge of planning and arranging event registration options and program items. N/A
Waitlisting Staff users can add contacts to event waitlists for registration options and program items, when either reaches maximum capacity. N/A
CEU attendance Staff users can define continuing education units (CEUs), and mark attendance for course attendees. From the Staff site, CEUs can be awarded and adjusted, and CEU types specified. N/A
Issuing event confirmations in mass Issue event confirmations in mass from Events > Issue event confirmations. N/A
Automatically charging event cancellation fees Staff users can create a cancellation fee and work on behalf of a registrant to cancel their registration, charging them a cancellation fee. The registration record is retained until the event is closed, which enables you to reactivate it later during the registration process. N/A
Register multiple contacts at once Multiple contacts can be registered for an event using the Register multiple contacts link on the event Showcase tab. This allows groups like committees and chapters to be registered all at once, instead of on an individual basis, saving time. N/A
Assign financial entities to event functions If you use more than one financial entity, you can easily assign financial entities to specific event funtions. N/A
Recurring sessions Recurring sessions allow you to create a program item that repeats either daily, weekly, or monthly. N/A
Checking in/out of events The Event Check-in content item lets staff users check individuals into and out of event sessions. N/A
One-click event registration When an event is free, registrants can register after one click and do not need to submit the cart. N/A
Deleting event templates Easily delete unused event templates. N/A

Application + Review Management (OpenWater)

OpenWater is a true all-in-one software platform designed to streamline and simplify your application and review process. See OpenWater for details. + +

Learning Management (TopClass)

TopClass is an award-winning, powerful learning platform, connecting learners to transformative education and certification programs. See TopClass for details. + +

Certification Management

Certification management

Define multiple certification programs with any combination of requirements including:

  • Event attendance
  • Product purchase
  • Demographic information
  • Document uploads
  • Issue CEUs
+ N/A
Online certification Allow applicants to apply for and monitor their certification progress online. + +

✓included || + optional

  EMS Enterprise iMIS 100

Product Sales + Online Store

Product sales Sell physical or digital products with flexible pricing and promotional discounts.
Online store Sell physical or digital products, automatically calculate shipping and taxes, and display related items for cross-selling or up-selling.
Product pricing groups Add pricing groups to products to define special pricing rules. Once you create a pricing group, you can reuse it for other products. N/A
Inventory management Track inventory, manage backorders, and create relationships between products for cross-selling, up-selling, and suggesting replacements. N/A
Orders management Orders provides you with an established and integrated tool for recording, processing, and tracking your organization's product orders. N/A
More flexibility with calculating shipping charges Shipping charges are applicable for orders that involve delivery by some type of transportation. Shipping charges are defined based on weight, value, or quantity. N/A
Overriding shipping and handling per order Staff users can manually override shipping and/or handling charges for customers directly from their cart. N/A
Updating the order confirmation template Make changes to the order confirmation template. N/A
Order confirmation templates per website You can create custom order confirmation templates for specific RiSE websites by creating an OrderConfirmation shortcut for each website. N/A
Associating source codes with transactions Select a source code from the Shopping cart to associate source codes with entire orders, member dues, or event registrations. N/A
Specifying a financial entity per product Can specify a financial entity at the product level. N/A
Showing individual items in a kit

Display kits as a collection of items shown separately and individually priced or as a series of collections of items shown separately and individually priced.

Multiple shipping contacts Orders and invoices can have multiple shipping contacts. N/A
Any combination of product purchases can be billed on a single invoice You can buy any combination of products in a single cart. Multiple invoices are only generated if the products in the cart include a mix of cash-basis and accrual-basis items. N/A

Advertising Management (SpaceMaster)

Order management Process orders for many types of ads, including display, classified, and digital. + N/A
Classified ads Automate the placement of display and classified ads. + N/A
Ad activity management Summarize ad activity by publication, account, territory, sales rep, time period, and ad type. + N/A

Accounting + Payments

Global Payments gateway Easy and secure payment processing through iMIS.
Refunds Process payment refund directly from iMIS without needing to access a third-party gateway portal.
Accounts receivable Manage invoicing, cash receipts, and other financial transactions.
General ledger export Export a spreadsheet that can be further formatted for import into the general ledger package of your choice.
Deferred income Delay recognition of income to coincide with when income is earned. + N/A
Automatic payments Automate recurring (monthly, quarterly, yearly) membership fees and donations. + +
Payment receipts Payment receipts are available throughout iMIS where payment information is available. N/A
Unapplying payments Choose to unapply the payment but keep the payment as a credit on the contact’s account. Unapply payments when you need to adjust a payment or invoice, then reapply the payment after the adjustments are made. N/A
Manual batches Manually create new batches and switch between other open batches. N/A
Invoice options Invoice write-off, additional invoice types. N/A
Invoice adjustments create new invoices Invoice adjustments create new invoices with unique invoice numbers. This functionality only exists in EMS as separate invoices for adjustments to event registrations. N/A
More than one financial entity Use more than one financial entity throughout iMIS in events, products, gifts, memberships, and more. N/A
Tax by zip code When a customer purchases an item, it is important that the zip code and tax code of the order match based on the customer’s default billing address, so that the appropriate sales tax rate can be applied in accordance with certain state laws. You can add or edit zip codes and associate the zip code with an existing tax code. N/A
Tax by chapter When a user joins or renews their membership, their primary chapter can be automatically assigned based on their zip code. N/A
Calculating and applying taxes to invoices Taxes are automatically calculated and applied to billing invoices in the same manner as all other invoices. N/A
Tax charges to transactions Taxes can be charged to any type of transaction, including mass generation of billing renewal invoices. N/A
Tax exempt transactions You can express the conditions for tax exemption for customers or transactions. 100 can create tax exemption reasons while EMS cannot.
Simultaneous support for global taxation There is simultaneous support for VAT, GST, and US taxation. N/A
Multiple tax authorities US taxation allows for more than three tax authorities per tax code. N/A
Tax treatment variations across tax authorities Tax categories differ in terms of how different types of products are taxed by different tax authorities. N/A
Reviewing gateway transactions Access gateway transactions effortlessly by navigating through Finance > Pay Central > Gateway Transactions. This allows for seamless reconciliation of iMIS transactions with gateway transactions. N/A
Cash- and accrual- based billing products New member joins can be processed on either an accrual or cash basis. EMS only offers cash-based new member joins. N/A
Managing balances and payments at the line-item level Balances are maintained at the line-item level and payments and credit adjustments are applied at the invoice line level. Payments are tracked separately. N/A
Flexible product-based membership Any combination of products (standalone items, kits, or menu of options) can be used for processing membership joins, subscription purchases, or renewals. N/A
Different products for joins versus renewal Set up different products for joins versus renewals, as well as decide between different GL accounts for each. N/A

Fundraising Management

Gift processing Process pledges or gifts of all types, including annual, major, and planned. with Fundraising bundle

+ with Membership bundle

Online donations Create an online donation page using a configurable template, allowing your donors to give online or through a mobile device.
Moves management Manage the individual and hands-on approach necessary to cultivate major gifts.
Issue tax receipts Issue tax receipts directly to donors.
Tribute donations Choose to make the donation in honor or memory of someone, and enter a tribute message.
Recurring donations Process recurring donations: Monthly, quarterly, or annually. + +
Splitting gifts Staff users can enter a split gift for a donor, which allows them to split the donor's gift between more than one gift fund.

with Fundraising bundle

+ with Membership bundle

Soft credits A soft credit is a credit for a behind-the-scenes individual who is responsible for helping obtain a gift or pledge, but who is not listed as the donor.
Adjusting gifts using adjustment batches Easily adjust non-financial gift and pledge details, such as the gift date, gift item, source code, notes, list as, tribute information, and moves manager, regardless of the outstanding balance or receipt status. N/A
Listing a donor under a different name Use the List as option to list the donor as something other than their first and last name. N/A
Anonymous gifts Anonymously enter a gift on behalf of a donor as a staff user. N/A
Gift premiums A premium is a complimentary gift, such as a coffee mug or t-shirt, that is given to a contributor who donates. A premium is a distribution with a fair market value and has a gift value. N/A
Voiding and issuing replacement receipts There may be instances in which a donation receipt must be voided. Review the following documentation to learn how to void a receipt and issue a replacement receipt to the same donor with a new receipt number.
Gift arrays Display suggested gift amounts that donors can choose from.
Projects Projects are used to categorize transactions and are included in the GL export. N/A

with Fundraising bundle

+ with Membership bundle

Editing gift invoices from the Giving History Edit gift invoices from the donor's account page under the Gift History section. N/A

✓included || + optional

  EMS Enterprise iMIS 100


Email marketing Standard — Send email communications to individuals or groups.
Premium — Design, send, and track targeted email marketing campaigns. + +


To learn more about Text Manager, visit the iMIS Marketplace. + +

Online Communities

To learn more about Higher Logic, visit the iMIS Marketplace. + +

Mobile App

To learn more about Clowder, visit the iMIS Marketplace. + +

✓included || + optional

  Enterprise iMIS 100

Online Forms

Forms Standard — Use and edit out-of-the-box forms.
Premium — In addition to the Standard features, with Premium, you can create unlimited forms and rules, require a review process for form submissions before they are accepted, and create forms in advanced mode. + +

Workflow Automation

Process automation Standard — Use predefined tasks and alerts to automate manual processes.
Premium — Create your own unique tasks and alerts to automate manual processes. + +

Engagement Scoring

Scoring Standard — Measure, track, and improve engagement with your members, donors and constituents.
Premium — Create your own customized scores. + +

Reports + Dashboards

iMIS Report Writer Basic — ExpressView reports. + +
Premium — ExpressView reports, Advanced reports, and Dashboards. + +
Reports Leverage a library of configurable standard reports or create your own reports.
Dashboards Turn data into insight through real-time measurement of key performance indicators (KPI) with dynamic dashboards.