Committee Administrator role

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As a staff user, you can assign the Committee Administrator role to non-Staff members of your committees. Committee Administrators are then able to assign the Committee Administrator role to other committee members. Committee Administrators can do the following:

  • Add committee members (existing contacts and new contacts)
  • Assign Committee Administrator role to an existing member (by adding an additional role for a committee member)
  • Update committee membership details

Note: Committee Administrators must have Read permissions for the existing contact in order to add them to the group.

Assigning a Committee Administrator role to a committee member

Do the following to assign a Committee Administrator role to a committee member:

  1. Go to Community > Committees.
  2. Select a committee.
  3. Click Add a member position.
  4. Search for the committee member you wish to make a committee administrator.
  5. Select the Committee Administrator role from the Position drop-down.
  6. Select the committee administrator option from the position drop-down.

  7. Choose a Term Start and Term End date for the committee member's term.
  8. Click Save & Close.

Committee Administrator responsibilities

This chart compares the responsibilities between the Company Administrator, Committee Administrator, and Chapter Administrator.

Company Administrators can perform actions on records linked to the company for which they are the administrator. Chapter Administrators can perform actions on records within a given chapter. The Chapter Administrator role requires a Group Admin license. For more information on these roles, see Managing iMIS security settings.

Note: System administrators have access to everything in iMIS, such as assigning logon credentials and user types (Public, Casual, Full), adding roles and groups, assigning access for staff users, assigning the System Administrator role to other users, and disabling user accounts.

Tip! Fee-based chapters require payment to become a member, meaning contacts only become members through a join- or renewal-billing process. Non-fee based chapters are free and members can be manually added to the chapter at any time.

Table 1: Administrators Overview
  Company Administrator Committee Administrator Chapter Administrator


Chapter Administrator
(non-fee based)

License required? No No Yes
(Requires Group Admin license)
(Requires Group Admin license)
Can add contacts to the group? Yes
Company Administrators can add new contacts to the organization; however, duplicate checking is not performed and the administrator cannot search to determine if the contact already has an account. This is to ensure company administrators do not have access to contacts they should not have access to.
Yes No Yes
Chapter Administrators can add new contacts to the organization.
Can edit contacts in the group? Yes No Yes Yes
Can edit the group? Yes
Company Administrators can edit the organization.
No No Yes
Can add new roles? Yes Yes Yes
The Chapter Administrator can add the Chapter Administrator role only.
The Chapter Administrator can add the Chapter Administrator role only.
Can edit roles? Yes
Company Administrators can edit two roles only: Member and Company Administrator.
Committee Administrators can edit multiple roles (committee positions).
No Yes
Can delete roles? Yes No Yes
The Chapter Administrator can delete the Chapter Administrator role only.
Can assign the role to other members? Yes
Company Administrators can assign the Company Administrator role to other members within their company participant list.
Yes Yes Yes
Can edit relationships on members' profile pages?


Administrators cannot edit Relationships on a member's personal profile page. Editing a relationship must be done by a Staff user or System Administrator.

Can select other queries or email? No
Only staff users can edit the queries.
Only staff users can edit the queries.
Only staff users can edit the queries.
Only staff users can edit the queries.
Can pay invoices and membership renewals for members? Yes
Company Administrators can pay invoices and membership renewals for members. They can also join as a member On Behalf Of contacts in the company, and the invoice can be billed to the company.
No Yes
Chapter Administrators can pay invoices and membership renewals for members. The invoice cannot be billed to the chapter.
Chapter Administrators can pay invoices and membership renewals for members. The invoice cannot be billed to the chapter.
Can register members for events and bill registrations to the organization?


Company Administrators can only register members for events that are in their primary organization.

Company Administrators cannot see members from any other company for which they are also a Company Administrator.

No No No
Can make donations on behalf of contacts? No No No No