Task Viewer

You can use Task Viewer to view, edit, delete, and add tasks. Task viewer pulls task data from a number of areas in iMIS, including Process Manager, Workflow, Segmentation and Campaign Management. By default, authenticated users can view all tasks associated with the My Tasks query when they go to RiSE > Task viewer. However, more queries are available from the Select a query drop-down:

  • All Tasks - All the tasks that have been created.
  • By Category - Tasks categorized by Action Item, Automated Process, User Created, Workflow Notifications or None.
  • By Priority - Tasks assigned with a priority of High, Medium, or Low.
  • By Status - Tasks where the status is Assigned, In Progress, Researching, On Hold, Cancelled, Complete, or Failed.
  • By Subject - Tasks where the subject contains a value defined by the user.

These queries are located at $/Tasks/DefaultSystem/Queries/TaskList; more queries can be made available by adding them to this folder.