Process automation

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Note: In order to edit system tasks or create your own tasks, you must be licensed. For more information, contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.

Process automation helps you improve staff productivity and constituent engagement by automating manual tasks and communications. Your constituents receive timely and relevant communications (such as a new member welcome, donation thank you, or event reminder) without burdening your staff.

Process automation uses scheduled tasks and alerts that can displayed on the Staff administrative site or your public website.

Key features

  • Use any of the thirty-plus alerts that are included with iMIS.
  • Alerts can be displayed on the Staff administrative site or on your public website.
  • Notify staff of event registrations opening and closing, early or late pricing deadlines, new members, recent orders and more.
  • Notify site visitors (including members, donors, and other constituents) about events they are registered for or data they need to provide, such as mobile phone number or email address. You can also notify members that they are due to renew their membership.

Add-on features:

  • Configure existing alerts or create your own.
  • Scheduled tasks can be an email, a report attached to an email, or a specific stored procedure.
  • Scheduled tasks can be run based on specific changes to database tables in the iMIS system, such as when a row has been inserted, deleted, or updated.
  • Emails and reports can be scheduled to be sent one-time-only, daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Emails and reports can be static or personalized to the recipient.